Source code for tellurium.analysis.bifurcation

Utility classes for computing bifurcations.
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import

import os.path
from rrplugins import Plugin
from roadrunner import RoadRunner

[docs]def bifurcation(model, parameter, lowerBound, upperBound, maxPoints=5000, scanPositive=True): """Plot a bifurcation diagram. :param model: A path to an SBML or Antimony file, or raw SBML or Antimony string. :param parameter: The principal continuation parameter. :param lowerBound: The lower bound of the continuation. :param upperBound: The upper bound of the continuation. :param maxPoints: The maximum number of points. :param scanPositive: Scan from lower to upper bound (direction is reversed if false). """ if isinstance(model, RoadRunner): sbml = model.getSBML() elif os.path.exists(model) and os.path.isfile(model): # it's a file path if os.path.splitext(model)[1] == '.sb': # it's an Antimony file with open(model) as f: sbml = antimonyConverter.antimonyToSBML( elif os.path.splitext(model)[1] == '.txt': raise RuntimeError('File ending in ".txt" is ambiguous - pass an SBML file (.xml) or an Antimony file (.sb).') else: with open(model) as f: sbml = else: # check if it's Antimony source try: sbml = antimonyConverter.antimonyToSBML(model) except: # it better be SBML import tesbml as libsbml # this will throw if it's not SBML libsbml.readSBML(model) auto = Plugin('tel_auto2000') # Set SBML source auto.setProperty('SBML', sbml) # Set parameters auto.setProperty('ScanDirection', 'Positive' if scanPositive else 'Negative') auto.setProperty('PrincipalContinuationParameter', parameter) auto.setProperty('PCPLowerBound', lowerBound) auto.setProperty('PCPUpperBound', upperBound) # Set maximum numberof points auto.setProperty('NMX', maxPoints) # execute the plugin auto.execute() # plot Bifurcation diagram pts = auto.BifurcationPoints lbls = auto.BifurcationLabels biData = auto.BifurcationData return pts, lbls, biData
[docs]def plotBifurcation(model, parameter, lowerBound, upperBound, maxPoints=5000, scanPositive=True): """Plot a bifurcation diagram. :param model: A path to an SBML or Antimony file, or raw SBML or Antimony string. :param parameter: The principal continuation parameter. :param lowerBound: The lower bound of the continuation. :param upperBound: The upper bound of the continuation. :param maxPoints: The maximum number of points. :param scanPositive: Scan from lower to upper bound (direction is reversed if false). """ pts, lbls, biData = bifurcation(model, parameter, lowerBound, upperBound, maxPoints, scanPositive) biData.plotBifurcationDiagram(pts, lbls)