Source code for tellurium.plotting.engine

Defines the main classes for plotting
which are implemented by the different ploting frameworks, i.e. matplotlib or plotly.

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import

from collections import defaultdict
import itertools
import numpy as np
from functools import reduce
import abc

[docs]def filterWithSelections(self, name, selections): """ This function is intended to be used as an argument to the filter built-in. It filters out unwanted traces (only those variables specified in selections will be passed through). :param name: The symbol we want to potentially filter :param selections: The list of selections we want to plot """ if selections is not None: augmented_sel = selections + list('[{}]'.format(name) for name in selections if not name.startswith('[')) return name in augmented_sel else: return True
[docs]class PlottingEngine(object): """ Abstract parent class of all PlottingEngines. Helper functions on this class provide methods to create new figures from various datasets. """ def __init__(self): self.fig = None def __str__(self): return "<PlottingEngine>"
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def newFigure(self, title=None, logX=False, logY=False, layout=None, xtitle=None, ytitle=None): """ Returns PlottingFigure. Needs to be implemented in base class. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def newTiledFigure(self, title=None, logX=False, logY=False, layout=None, xtitle=None, ytitle=None): """ Returns PlottingTiledFigure. Needs to be implemented in base class. """
[docs] def figureFromXY(self, x, y, **kwargs): """ Generate a new figure from x/y data. :param x: A column representing x data. :param y: Y data (may be multiple columns). :return: instance of PlottingFigure """ return self.newFigure().plot(x, y, **kwargs)
[docs] def figureFromTimecourse(self, m, ordinates=None, tag=None, alpha=None, title=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, **kwargs): """ Generate a new figure from a timecourse simulation. :param m: An array returned by RoadRunner.simulate. :return: instance of PlottingFigure """ fig = self.newFigure() for k in range(1, m.shape[1]): fig.addXYDataset(m[:,0], m[:,k], name=m.colnames[k], tag=tag, alpha=alpha) return fig
[docs] def plot(self, x, y, show=True, **kwargs): """ Plot x & y data. :param x: x data. :param y: y data (can be multiple columns). :return: instance of PlottingFigure """ if self.fig: fig = self.fig fig.plot(x, y, **kwargs) else: fig = self.figureFromXY(x, y, **kwargs) if show: fig.render() self.fig = None else: self.fig = fig return fig
[docs] def plot_text(self, x, y, text, show=True, **kwargs): return self.plot(x, y, text=text, show=show, **kwargs)
[docs] def plotTimecourse(self, m, xtitle=None, ytitle=None, title=None, linewidth=2, xlim=None, ylim=None, logx=False, logy=False, xscale='linear', yscale='linear', grid=False, ordinates=None, tag=None, labels=None, figsize=(6,4), savefig=None, dpi=80, alpha=1.0, **kwargs): """ Plots a timecourse from a simulation. :param m: An array returned by RoadRunner.simulate. """ fig = self.figureFromTimecourse(m, title=title, ordinates=ordinates, tag=tag, alpha=alpha, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) if xtitle: fig.xtitle = xtitle if ytitle: fig.ytitle = ytitle if title: fig.title = title if linewidth: fig.linewidth = linewidth if xlim: fig.setXLim(xlim) if ylim: fig.setYLim(ylim) if logx: fig.logx = logx if logy: fig.logy = logy if xscale: fig.xscale = xscale if yscale: fig.yscale = yscale if grid: fig.grid = grid if ordinates: fig.ordinates = ordinates if tag: fig.tag = tag if labels: fig.labels = labels if figsize: fig.figsize = figsize if savefig: fig.savefig = savefig if dpi: fig.dpi = dpi if alpha: fig.alpha = alpha fig.render()
[docs] def accumulateTimecourse(self, m, xtitle=None, ytitle=None, title=None, linewidth=2, xlim=None, ylim=None, logx=False, logy=False, xscale='linear', yscale='linear', grid=False, ordinates=None, tag=None, labels=None, figsize=(6,4), savefig=None, dpi=80, alpha=1.0, **kwargs): """ Accumulates the traces instead of plotting (like matplotlib with show=False). Call show() to show the plot. :param m: An array returned by RoadRunner.simulate. """ if not self.fig: self.fig = self.newFigure() if m.colnames[0] != 'time': raise RuntimeError('Cannot plot timecourse - first column is not time') for k in range(1,m.shape[1]): t = tag if tag else m.colnames[k] self.fig.addXYDataset(m[:,0], m[:, k], name=m.colnames[k], tag=t, alpha=alpha) if xtitle: self.fig.xtitle = xtitle if ytitle: self.fig.ytitle = ytitle if title: self.fig.title = title if linewidth: self.fig.linewidth = linewidth if xlim: self.fig.setXLim(xlim) if ylim: self.fig.setYLim(ylim) if logx: self.fig.logx = logx if logy: self.fig.logy = logy if xscale: self.fig.xscale = xscale if yscale: self.fig.yscale = yscale if grid: self.fig.grid = grid if ordinates: self.fig.ordinates = ordinates if labels: self.fig.labels = labels if figsize: self.fig.figsize = figsize if savefig: self.fig.savefig = savefig if dpi: self.fig.dpi = dpi
[docs] def show(self, reset=True): """ Shows the traces accummulated from accumulateTimecourse. :param reset: Reset the traces so the next plot will start out empty? """ if self.fig: self.fig.render() fig = self.fig if reset: self.fig = None return self.fig
[docs]class PlottingLayout: """ Layout information for plot. """ pass
[docs]class PlottingFigure(object): def __init__(self, title=None, layout=PlottingLayout(), logx=False, xtitle=None, logy=False, ytitle=None, selections=None): """ Initialize the figure. :param title: The title of the plot. :param layout: Plotting layout information. :param logx: Use log scale in x. :param logy: Use log scale in y. :param selections: Filter plotted traces based on passed name. """ self.title = title self.xy_datasets = [] self.tagged_data = defaultdict(list) self.xtitle = xtitle self.ytitle = ytitle self.logx = logx self.logy = logy self.selections=selections self.xlim = None self.ylim = None self.grid_enabled = True
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def render(self): """ Creates the figure. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def save(self, filename, format): """ Save figure. :param filename: filename to save to :param format: format to save :return: """
[docs] def addXYDataset(self, x_arr, y_arr, color=None, tag=None, name=None, filter=True, alpha=None, mode=None, logx=None, logy=None, scatter=None, error_y_pos=None, error_y_neg=None, showlegend=None, text=None, dash=None): """ Adds an X/Y dataset to the plot. :param x_arr: A numpy array describing the X datapoints. Should have the same size as y_arr. :param y_arr: A numpy array describing the Y datapoints. Should have the same size as x_arr. :param color: The color to use (not supported by all backends). :param tag: A tag so that all traces of the same type are plotted consistently (for e.g. multiple stochastic traces). :param name: The name of the trace. :param filter: Apply the self.selections filter? :param alpha: Floating point representing the opacity. :param mode: Either 'lines' or 'markers' (defaults to 'lines'). """ if filter and name is not None and self.selections is not None: # if this name is filtered out, return if filterWithSelections(name, self.selections): return dataset = {'x': x_arr, 'y': y_arr} if name is not None: dataset['name'] = name if color is not None: dataset['color'] = color if tag is not None: dataset['tag'] = tag self.tagged_data[tag].append(dataset) if alpha is not None: dataset['alpha'] = alpha if mode is not None: dataset['mode'] = mode if logx is not None: self.logx = logx if logy is not None: self.logy = logy if scatter is not None: dataset['scatter'] = scatter if error_y_pos is not None: dataset['error_y_pos'] = error_y_pos if error_y_neg is not None: dataset['error_y_neg'] = error_y_neg if showlegend is not None: dataset['showlegend'] = showlegend if text is not None: dataset['text'] = text if dash is not None: dataset['dash'] = dash self.xy_datasets.append(dataset)
[docs] def getMergedTaggedDatasets(self): for datasets_for_tag in self.tagged_data.values(): x = reduce(lambda u,v: np.concatenate((u,[np.nan],v)), (dataset['x'] for dataset in datasets_for_tag)) y = reduce(lambda u,v: np.concatenate((u,[np.nan],v)), (dataset['y'] for dataset in datasets_for_tag)) # merge all datasets result_dataset = datasets_for_tag[0] if datasets_for_tag else None for dataset in datasets_for_tag: result_dataset.update(dataset) # use the concatenated values for x and y result_dataset['x'] = x result_dataset['y'] = y if result_dataset is not None: yield result_dataset
[docs] def getDatasets(self): """ Get an iterable of all datasets.""" return itertools.chain( self.getMergedTaggedDatasets(), (dataset for dataset in self.xy_datasets if not 'tag' in dataset))
[docs] def plot(self, x, y, colnames=None, title=None, xtitle=None, logx=None, logy=None, ytitle=None, alpha=None, name=None, names=None, tag=None, tags=None, scatter=None, error_y_pos=None, error_y_neg=None, showlegend=None, label=None, labels=None, text=None, dash=None, color=None): """ Plot x & y data. """ if xtitle: self.xtitle = xtitle if ytitle: self.ytitle = ytitle kws = {'alpha': alpha} if colnames is None and hasattr(y, 'colnames'): colnames = y.colnames if logx is not None: kws['logx'] = logx if logy is not None: kws['logy'] = logx if scatter is not None: kws['scatter'] = scatter if error_y_pos is not None: kws['error_y_pos'] = error_y_pos if error_y_neg is not None: kws['error_y_neg'] = error_y_neg # TODO: if y is 2d array with 1 column, convert to 1d array if len(y.shape) > 1: # it's a 2d array for k in range(0,y.shape[1]): if len(x) != len(y[:,k]): raise RuntimeError('x data has length {} but y data has length {}'.format(len(x), len(y))) if names is not None: kws['name'] = names[k] if labels is not None: kws['name'] = labels[k] if tags is not None: kws['tag'] = tags[k] if colnames is not None: kws['name'] = colnames[k] if showlegend is not None: kws['showlegend'] = showlegend[k] if text is not None: kws['text'] = text if dash is not None: kws['dash'] = dash[k] if color is not None: kws['color'] = color[k] if alpha is not None: kws['alpha'] = alpha[k] self.addXYDataset(x, y[:, k], **kws) elif len(y.shape) == 1: # it's a 1d array if len(x) != len(y): raise RuntimeError('x data has length {} but y data has length {}'.format(len(x), len(y))) if name is not None: kws['name'] = name if label is not None: kws['name'] = label if labels is not None: kws['name'] = labels[0] if tag is not None: kws['tag'] = tag elif colnames is not None: kws['name'] = colnames[0] if showlegend is not None: if isinstance(showlegend, bool): kws['showlegend'] = showlegend else: kws['showlegend'] = showlegend[k] if text is not None: kws['text'] = text if dash is not None: kws['dash'] = dash[0] if color is not None: kws['color'] = color[0] if alpha is not None: kws['alpha'] = alpha[0] self.addXYDataset(x, y, **kws) else: raise RuntimeError('Could not plot y data with {} dimensions'.format(len(y.shape))) return self
# FIXME: unnecessary methods:
[docs] def setXLim(self, xlim): """Set the min/max x limits of the figure. :param xlim: tuple of min/max values """ self.xlim = xlim
[docs] def setYLim(self, ylim): """Set the min/max y limits of the figure. :param ylim: tuple of min/max values """ self.ylim = ylim
[docs]class TiledFigure(object):
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def nextFigure(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def isExhausted(self): return self.rowmarker == self.rows
[docs] def cycleMarker(self): self.colmarker += 1 if self.colmarker >= self.cols: self.colmarker = 0 self.rowmarker += 1 if self.rowmarker >= self.rows: self.rowmarker = self.rows
[docs]class LowerTriFigure(TiledFigure):
[docs] def cycleMarker(self): self.colmarker += 1 if self.colmarker > self.rowmarker: self.colmarker = 0 self.rowmarker += 1 if self.rowmarker >= self.rows: self.rowmarker = self.rows