Source code for tellurium.plotting.factory

Factory for the engines.

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

from .engine_null import NullEngine
__engines = {'null': NullEngine}

from .engine_mpl import MatplotlibEngine
__engines['matplotlib'] = MatplotlibEngine

    from .engine_plotly import PlotlyEngine
    __engines['plotly'] = PlotlyEngine
except ImportError:

[docs]def getEngines(): global __engines return __engines
[docs]class PlottingEngineFactory: def __init__(self, engine): self.engine = engine self.save_plots_to_pdf = False self.engines = getEngines() def __call__(self): """ Creates a plotting engine based on passed argument. :param engine: A string specifying which engine to create. Valid values are 'matplotlib' and 'plotly'. :type engine: String """ possible_keys = [ 'matplotlib', 'plotly', 'null' ] try: return self.engines[self.engine]() except KeyError: if not self.engine in possible_keys: raise RuntimeError('No such plotting engine "{}". Possible values are {}.'.format(self.engine, ', '.join(possible_keys))) raise RuntimeError('Could not create plotting engine because {} is not available.'.format(self.engine))
factories = {}
[docs]def getPlottingEngineFactory(engine): global factories if not engine in factories: factories[engine] = PlottingEngineFactory(engine) return factories[engine]