Source code for tellurium.sedml.tesedml

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Tellurium SED-ML support.

This module implements SED-ML support for tellurium.

Overview SED-ML
SED-ML is build of main classes
    the Model Class,
    the Simulation Class,
    the Task Class,
    the DataGenerator Class,
    and the Output Class.

The Model Class
    The Model class is used to reference the models used in the simulation experiment.
    SED-ML itself is independent of the model encoding underlying the models. The only
    requirement is that the model needs to be referenced by using an unambiguous identifier
    which allows for finding it, for example using a MIRIAM URI. To specify the language in
    which the model is encoded, a set of predefined language URNs is provided.
    The SED-ML Change class allows the application of changes to the referenced models,
    including changes on the XML attributes, e.g. changing the value of an observable,
    computing the change of a value using mathematics, or general changes on any XML element
    of the model representation that is addressable by XPath expressions, e.g. substituting
    a piece of XML by an updated one.


The Simulation Class
    The Simulation class defines the simulation settings and the steps taken during simulation.
    These include the particular type of simulation and the algorithm used for the execution of
    the simulation; preferably an unambiguous reference to such an algorithm should be given,
    using a controlled vocabulary, or ontologies. One example for an ontology of simulation
    algorithms is the Kinetic Simulation Algorithm Ontology KiSAO. Further information encodable
    in the Simulation class includes the step size, simulation duration, and other
    simulation-type dependent information.

The Task Class
    SED-ML makes use of the notion of a Task class to combine a defined model (from the Model class)
    and a defined simulation setting (from the Simulation class). A task always holds one reference each.
    To refer to a specific model and to a specific simulation, the corresponding IDs are used.

The DataGenerator Class
    The raw simulation result sometimes does not correspond to the desired output of the simulation,
    e.g. one might want to normalise a plot before output, or apply post-processing like mean-value calculation.
    The DataGenerator class allows for the encoding of such post-processings which need to be applied to the
    simulation result before output. To define data generators, any addressable variable or parameter
    of any defined model (from instances of the Model class) may be referenced, and new entities might
    be specified using MathML definitions.

The Output Class
    The Output class defines the output of the simulation, in the sense that it specifies what shall be
    plotted in the output. To do so, an output type is defined, e.g. 2D-plot, 3D-plot or data table,
    and the according axes or columns are all assigned to one of the formerly specified instances
    of the DataGenerator class.

For information about SED-ML please refer to
and the SED-ML specification.

SED-ML in tellurium: Implementation
SED-ML support in tellurium is based on Combine Archives.
The SED-ML files in the Archive can be executed and stored with results.

SED-ML in tellurium: Supported Features
Tellurium supports SED-ML L1V3 with SBML as model format.

SBML models are fully supported, whereas for CellML models only basic support
is implemented (when additional support is requested it be implemented).
CellML models are transformed to SBML models which results in different XPath expressions,
so that targets, selections cannot be easily resolved in the CellMl-SBML.

Supported input for SED-ML are either SED-ML files ('.sedml' extension),
SED-ML XML strings or combine archives ('.sedx'|'.omex' extension).
Executable python code is generated from the SED-ML which allows the
execution of the defined simulation experiment.

    In the current implementation all SED-ML constructs with exception of
    XML transformation changes of the model
        - Change.RemoveXML
        - Change.AddXML
        - Change.ChangeXML
    are supported.

The main maintainer for SED-ML support is Matthias König.
Please let changes to this file be reviewed and make sure that all SED-ML related tests are working.
from __future__ import  absolute_import, print_function, division

import sys
import platform
import tempfile
import shutil
import traceback
import os.path
import warnings
import datetime
import zipfile
import re
import numpy as np
from collections import namedtuple
import jinja2

    import tesedml as libsedml
except ImportError:
    import libsedml

from tellurium.utils import omex
from .mathml import evaluableMathML
import tellurium as te

    # required imports in generated python code
    import pandas
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import mpl_toolkits.mplot3d
except ImportError:
    warnings.warn("Dependencies for SEDML code execution not fulfilled.")


KISAOS_CVODE = [  # 'cvode'
    'KISAO:0000019',  # CVODE
    'KISAO:0000433',  # CVODE-like method
    "KISAO:0000288",  # "BDF" cvode, stiff=true
    "KISAO:0000280",  # "Adams-Moulton" cvode, stiff=false

KISAOS_RK4 = [  # 'rk4'
    'KISAO:0000032',  # RK4 explicit fourth-order Runge-Kutta method
    'KISAO:0000064',  # Runge-Kutta based method

KISAOS_RK45 = [  # 'rk45'
    'KISAO:0000086',  # RKF45 embedded Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg 5(4) method

KISAOS_LSODA = [  # 'lsoda'
    'KISAO:0000088',  # roadrunner doesn't have an lsoda solver so use cvode

KISAOS_GILLESPIE = [  # 'gillespie'
    'KISAO:0000241',  # Gillespie-like method

KISAOS_NLEQ = [  # 'nleq'

# allowed algorithms for simulation type

# supported algorithm parameters
    'KISAO:0000209': ('relative_tolerance', float),  # the relative tolerance
    'KISAO:0000211': ('absolute_tolerance', float),  # the absolute tolerance
    'KISAO:0000220': ('maximum_bdf_order', int),  # the maximum BDF (stiff) order
    'KISAO:0000219': ('maximum_adams_order', int),  # the maximum Adams (non-stiff) order
    'KISAO:0000415': ('maximum_num_steps', int),  # the maximum number of steps that can be taken before exiting
    'KISAO:0000467': ('maximum_time_step', float),  # the maximum time step that can be taken
    'KISAO:0000485': ('minimum_time_step', float),  # the minimum time step that can be taken
    'KISAO:0000332': ('initial_time_step', float),  # the initial value of the time step for algorithms that change this value
    'KISAO:0000107': ('variable_step_size', bool),  # whether or not the algorithm proceeds with an adaptive step size or not
    'KISAO:0000486': ('maximum_iterations', int),  # [nleq] the maximum number of iterations the algorithm should take before exiting
    'KISAO:0000487': ('minimum_damping', float),  # [nleq] minimum damping value
    'KISAO:0000488': ('seed', int),  # the seed for stochastic runs of the algorithm

# Interface functions
# The functions listed in this section are the only functions one should interact with this module.
# We try to keep these back-wards compatible and keep the function signatures.
# All other function and class signatures can change.

[docs]def sedmlToPython(inputStr, workingDir=None): """ Convert sedml file to python code. :param inputStr: full path name to SedML model or SED-ML string :type inputStr: path :return: generated python code """ factory = SEDMLCodeFactory(inputStr, workingDir=workingDir) return factory.toPython()
[docs]def executeSEDML(inputStr, workingDir=None): """ Run a SED-ML file or combine archive with results. If a workingDir is provided the files and results are written in the workingDir. :param inputStr: :type inputStr: :return: :rtype: """ # execute the sedml factory = SEDMLCodeFactory(inputStr, workingDir=workingDir) factory.executePython()
[docs]def combineArchiveToPython(omexPath): """ All python code generated from given combine archive. :param omexPath: :return: dictionary of { sedml_location: pycode } """ tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() pycode = {} try: omex.extractCombineArchive(omexPath, directory=tmp_dir, method="zip") locations = omex.getLocationsByFormat(omexPath, "sed-ml") sedml_files = [os.path.join(tmp_dir, loc) for loc in locations] for k, sedml_file in enumerate(sedml_files): pystr = sedmlToPython(sedml_file) pycode[locations[k]] = pystr finally: shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) return pycode
[docs]def executeCombineArchive(omexPath, workingDir=None, printPython=False, createOutputs=True, saveOutputs=False, outputDir=None, plottingEngine=None): """ Run all SED-ML simulations in given COMBINE archive. If no workingDir is provided execution is performed in temporary directory which is cleaned afterwards. The executed code can be printed via the 'printPython' flag. :param omexPath: OMEX Combine archive :param workingDir: directory to extract archive to :param printPython: boolean switch to print executed python code :param createOutputs: boolean flag if outputs should be created, i.e. reports and plots :param saveOutputs: flag if the outputs should be saved to file :param outputDir: directory where the outputs should be written :param plottingEngin: string of which plotting engine to use; uses set plotting engine otherwise :return dictionary of sedmlFile:data generators """ # combine archives are zip format if zipfile.is_zipfile(omexPath): try: tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() if workingDir is None: extractDir = tmp_dir else: if not os.path.exists(workingDir): raise IOError("workingDir does not exist, make sure to create the directoy: '{}'".format(workingDir)) extractDir = workingDir # extract omex.extractCombineArchive(omexPath=omexPath, directory=extractDir) # get sedml locations by omex sedml_locations = omex.getLocationsByFormat(omexPath=omexPath, formatKey="sed-ml", method="omex") if len(sedml_locations) == 0: # falling back to zip archive sedml_locations = omex.getLocationsByFormat(omexPath=omexPath, formatKey="sed-ml", method="zip") warnings.warn( "No SED-ML files in COMBINE archive based on manifest '{}'; Guessed SED-ML {}".format(omexPath, sedml_locations)) # run all sedml files results = {} sedml_paths = [os.path.join(extractDir, loc) for loc in sedml_locations] for sedmlFile in sedml_paths: factory = SEDMLCodeFactory(sedmlFile, workingDir=os.path.dirname(sedmlFile), createOutputs=createOutputs, saveOutputs=saveOutputs, outputDir=outputDir, plottingEngine=plottingEngine ) if printPython: code = factory.toPython() print(code) results[sedmlFile] = factory.executePython() return results finally: shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) else: if not os.path.exists(omexPath): raise FileNotFoundError("File does not exist: {}".format(omexPath)) else: raise IOError("File is not an OMEX Combine Archive in zip format: {}".format(omexPath))
[docs]class SEDMLCodeFactory(object): """ Code Factory generating executable code.""" # template location TEMPLATE_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'templates') def __init__(self, inputStr, workingDir=None, createOutputs=True, saveOutputs=False, outputDir=None, plottingEngine=None ): """ Create CodeFactory for given input. :param inputStr: :param workingDir: :param createOutputs: if outputs should be created :return: :rtype: """ self.inputStr = inputStr self.workingDir = workingDir self.python = sys.version self.platform = platform.platform() self.createOutputs = createOutputs self.saveOutputs = saveOutputs self.outputDir = outputDir self.plotFormat = "pdf" self.reportFormat = "csv" if not plottingEngine: plottingEngine = te.getPlottingEngine() self.plottingEngine = plottingEngine if self.outputDir: if not os.path.exists(outputDir): raise IOError("outputDir does not exist: {}".format(outputDir)) info = SEDMLTools.readSEDMLDocument(inputStr, workingDir) self.doc = info['doc'] self.inputType = info['inputType'] self.workingDir = info['workingDir'] # parse the models (resolve the source models & the applied changes for all models) model_sources, model_changes = SEDMLTools.resolveModelChanges(self.doc) self.model_sources = model_sources self.model_changes = model_changes def __str__(self): """ Print. :return: :rtype: """ lines = [ '{}'.format(self.__class__), 'doc: {}'.format(self.doc), 'workingDir: {}'.format(self.workingDir), 'inputType: {}'.format(self.inputType) ] if self.inputType != SEDMLTools.INPUT_TYPE_STR: lines.append('input: {}'.format(self.inputStr)) return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs] def sedmlString(self): """ Get the SEDML XML string of the current document. :return: SED-ML XML :rtype: str """ return libsedml.writeSedMLToString(self.doc)
[docs] def toPython(self, python_template='tesedml_template.template'): """ Create python code by rendering the python template. Uses the information in the SED-ML document to create python code Renders the respective template. :return: returns the rendered template :rtype: str """ # template environment env = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(self.TEMPLATE_DIR), extensions=['jinja2.ext.autoescape'], trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True) # additional filters # for key in sedmlfilters.filters: # env.filters[key] = getattr(sedmlfilters, key) template = env.get_template(python_template) env.globals['modelToPython'] = self.modelToPython env.globals['dataDescriptionToPython'] = self.dataDescriptionToPython env.globals['taskToPython'] = self.taskToPython env.globals['dataGeneratorToPython'] = self.dataGeneratorToPython env.globals['outputToPython'] = self.outputToPython # timestamp time = timestamp = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') # Context c = { 'version': te.getTelluriumVersion(), 'timestamp': timestamp, 'factory': self, 'doc': self.doc, 'model_sources': self.model_sources, 'model_changes': self.model_changes, } pysedml = template.render(c) return pysedml
[docs] def executePython(self): """ Executes python code. The python code is created during the function call. See :func:`createpython` :return: returns dictionary of information with keys """ result = {} code = self.toPython() result['code'] = code result['platform'] = platform.platform() # FIXME: better solution for exec traceback filename = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), '') try: # Use of exec carries the usual security warnings symbols = {} exec(compile(code, filename, 'exec'), symbols) # read information from exec symbols dg_data = {} for dg in self.doc.getListOfDataGenerators(): dg_id = dg.getId() dg_data[dg_id] = symbols[dg_id] result['dataGenerators'] = dg_data return result except: # leak this tempfile just so we can see a full stack trace. freaking python. with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(code) raise
[docs] def modelToPython(self, model): """ Python code for SedModel. :param model: SedModel instance :type model: SedModel :return: python str :rtype: str """ lines = [] mid = model.getId() language = model.getLanguage() source = self.model_sources[mid] if not language: warnings.warn("No model language specified, defaulting to SBML for: {}".format(source)) def isUrn(): return source.startswith('urn') or source.startswith('URN') def isHttp(): return source.startswith('http') or source.startswith('HTTP') # read SBML if 'sbml' in language or len(language) == 0: if isUrn(): lines.append("import tellurium.temiriam as temiriam") lines.append("__{}_sbml = temiriam.getSBMLFromBiomodelsURN('{}')".format(mid, source)) lines.append("{} = te.loadSBMLModel(__{}_sbml)".format(mid, mid)) elif isHttp(): lines.append("{} = te.loadSBMLModel('{}')".format(mid, source)) else: lines.append("{} = te.loadSBMLModel(os.path.join(workingDir, '{}'))".format(mid, source)) # read CellML elif 'cellml' in language: warnings.warn("CellML model encountered. Tellurium CellML support is very limited.".format(language)) if isHttp(): lines.append("{} = te.loadCellMLModel('{}')".format(mid, source)) else: lines.append("{} = te.loadCellMLModel(os.path.join(workingDir, '{}'))".format(mid, self.model_sources[mid])) # other else: warnings.warn("Unsupported model language: '{}'.".format(language)) # apply model changes for change in self.model_changes[mid]: lines.extend(SEDMLCodeFactory.modelChangeToPython(model, change)) return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs] @staticmethod def modelChangeToPython(model, change): """ Creates the apply change python string for given model and change. Currently only a very limited subset of model changes is supported. Namely changes of parameters and concentrations within a SedChangeAttribute. :param model: given model :type model: SedModel :param change: model change :type change: SedChange :return: :rtype: str """ lines = [] mid = model.getId() xpath = change.getTarget() if change.getTypeCode() == libsedml.SEDML_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE: # resolve target change value = change.getNewValue() lines.append("# {} {}".format(xpath, value)) lines.append(SEDMLCodeFactory.targetToPython(xpath, value, modelId=mid)) elif change.getTypeCode() == libsedml.SEDML_CHANGE_COMPUTECHANGE: variables = {} for par in change.getListOfParameters(): variables[par.getId()] = par.getValue() for var in change.getListOfVariables(): vid = var.getId() selection = SEDMLCodeFactory.selectionFromVariable(var, mid) expr = if selection.type == "concentration": expr = "init([{}])".format( elif selection.type == "amount": expr = "init({})".format( lines.append("__var__{} = {}['{}']".format(vid, mid, expr)) variables[vid] = "__var__{}".format(vid) # value is calculated with the current state of model value = evaluableMathML(change.getMath(), variables=variables) lines.append(SEDMLCodeFactory.targetToPython(xpath, value, modelId=mid)) elif change.getTypeCode() in [libsedml.SEDML_CHANGE_REMOVEXML, libsedml.SEDML_CHANGE_ADDXML, libsedml.SEDML_CHANGE_CHANGEXML]: lines.append("# Unsupported change: {}".format(change.getElementName())) warnings.warn("Unsupported change: {}".format(change.getElementName())) else: lines.append("# Unsupported change: {}".format(change.getElementName())) warnings.warn("Unsupported change: {}".format(change.getElementName())) return lines
[docs] def dataDescriptionToPython(self, dataDescription): """ Python code for DataDescription. :param dataDescription: SedModel instance :type dataDescription: DataDescription :return: python str :rtype: str """ lines = [] from import DataDescriptionParser data_sources = DataDescriptionParser.parse(dataDescription, self.workingDir) def data_to_string(data): info = np.array2string(data) # cleaner string and NaN handling info = info.replace('\n', ', ').replace('\r', '').replace('nan', 'np.nan') return info for sid, data in data_sources.items(): # handle the 1D shapes if len(data.shape) == 1: data = np.reshape(data.values, (data.shape[0], 1)) array_str = data_to_string(data) lines.append("{} = np.array({})".format(sid, array_str)) return '\n'.join(lines)
################################################################################################ # Here the main work is done, # transformation of tasks to python code ################################################################################################
[docs] @staticmethod def taskToPython(doc, task): """ Create python for arbitrary task (repeated or simple). :param doc: :type doc: :param task: :type task: :return: :rtype: """ # If no DataGenerator references the task, no execution is necessary dgs = SEDMLCodeFactory.getDataGeneratorsForTask(doc, task) if len(dgs) == 0: return "# not part of any DataGenerator: {}".format(task.getId()) # tasks contain other subtasks, which can contain subtasks. This # results in a tree of task dependencies where the # simple tasks are the node leaves. These tree has to be resolved to # generate code for more complex task dependencies. # resolve task tree (order & dependency of tasks) & generate code taskTree = SEDMLCodeFactory.createTaskTree(doc, rootTask=task) return SEDMLCodeFactory.taskTreeToPython(doc, tree=taskTree)
[docs] class TaskNode(object): """ Tree implementation of task tree. """ def __init__(self, task, depth): self.task = task self.depth = depth self.children = [] self.parent = None
[docs] def add_child(self, obj): obj.parent = self self.children.append(obj)
[docs] def is_leaf(self): return len(self.children) == 0
def __str__(self): lines = ["<[{}] {} ({})>".format(self.depth, self.task.getId(), self.task.getElementName())] for child in self.children: child_str = child.__str__() lines.extend(["\t{}".format(line) for line in child_str.split('\n')]) return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] def info(self): return "<[{}] {} ({})>".format(self.depth, self.task.getId(), self.task.getElementName())
def __iter__(self): """ Depth-first iterator which yields TaskNodes.""" yield self for child in self.children: for node in child: yield node
[docs] class Stack(object): """ Stack implementation for nodes.""" def __init__(self): self.items = []
[docs] def isEmpty(self): return self.items == []
[docs] def push(self, item): self.items.append(item)
[docs] def pop(self): return self.items.pop()
[docs] def peek(self): return self.items[len(self.items)-1]
[docs] def size(self): return len(self.items)
def __str__(self): return "stack: " + str([ for item in self.items])
[docs] @staticmethod def createTaskTree(doc, rootTask): """ Creates the task tree. Required for resolution of order of all simulations. """ def add_children(node): typeCode = node.task.getTypeCode() if typeCode == libsedml.SEDML_TASK: return # no children elif typeCode == libsedml.SEDML_TASK_REPEATEDTASK: # add the ordered list of subtasks as children subtasks = SEDMLCodeFactory.getOrderedSubtasks(node.task) for st in subtasks: # get real task for subtask t = doc.getTask(st.getTask()) child = SEDMLCodeFactory.TaskNode(t, depth=node.depth+1) node.add_child(child) # recursive adding of children add_children(child) else: raise IOError('Unsupported task type: {}'.format(node.task.getElementName())) # create root root = SEDMLCodeFactory.TaskNode(rootTask, depth=0) # recursive adding of children add_children(root) return root
[docs] @staticmethod def getOrderedSubtasks(task): """ Ordered list of subtasks for task.""" subtasks = task.getListOfSubTasks() subtaskOrder = [st.getOrder() for st in subtasks] # sort by order, if all subtasks have order (not required) if all(subtaskOrder) != None: subtasks = [st for (stOrder, st) in sorted(zip(subtaskOrder, subtasks))] return subtasks
[docs] @staticmethod def taskTreeToPython(doc, tree): """ Python code generation from task tree. """ # go forward through task tree lines = [] nodeStack = SEDMLCodeFactory.Stack() treeNodes = [n for n in tree] # iterate over the tree for kn, node in enumerate(treeNodes): taskType = node.task.getTypeCode() # Create information for task # We are going down in the tree if taskType == libsedml.SEDML_TASK_REPEATEDTASK: taskLines = SEDMLCodeFactory.repeatedTaskToPython(doc, node=node) elif taskType == libsedml.SEDML_TASK: tid = node.task.getId() taskLines = SEDMLCodeFactory.simpleTaskToPython(doc=doc, node=node) else: lines.append("# Unsupported task: {}".format(taskType)) warnings.warn("Unsupported task: {}".format(taskType)) lines.extend([" "*node.depth + line for line in taskLines]) ''' @staticmethod def simpleTaskToPython(doc, task): """ Create python for simple task. """ for ksub, subtask in enumerate(subtasks): t = doc.getTask(subtask.getTask()) resultVariable = "__subtask__".format(t.getId()) selections = SEDMLCodeFactory.selectionsForTask(doc=doc, task=task) if t.getTypeCode() == libsedml.SEDML_TASK: forLines.extend(SEDMLCodeFactory.subtaskToPython(doc, task=t, selections=selections, resultVariable=resultVariable)) forLines.append("{}.extend([__subtask__])".format(task.getId())) elif t.getTypeCode() == libsedml.SEDML_TASK_REPEATEDTASK: forLines.extend(SEDMLCodeFactory.repeatedTaskToPython(doc, task=t)) forLines.append("{}.extend({})".format(task.getId(), t.getId())) ''' # Collect information # We have to go back up # Look at next node in the treeNodes (this is the next one to write) if kn == (len(treeNodes)-1): nextNode = None else: nextNode = treeNodes[kn+1] # The next node is further up in the tree, or there is no next node # and still nodes on the stack if (nextNode is None) or (nextNode.depth < node.depth): # necessary to pop nodes from the stack and close the code test = True while test is True: # stack is empty if nodeStack.size() == 0: test = False continue # try to pop next one peek = nodeStack.peek() if (nextNode is None) or (peek.depth > nextNode.depth): # TODO: reset evaluation has to be defined here # determine if it's steady state # if taskType == libsedml.SEDML_TASK_REPEATEDTASK: # print('task {}'.format(node.task.getId())) # print(' peek {}'.format(peek.task.getId())) if node.task.getTypeCode() == libsedml.SEDML_TASK_REPEATEDTASK: # if peek.task.getTypeCode() == libsedml.SEDML_TASK_REPEATEDTASK: # sid = task.getSimulationReference() # simulation = doc.getSimulation(sid) # simType = simulation.getTypeCode() # if simType is libsedml.SEDML_SIMULATION_STEADYSTATE: terminator = 'terminate_trace({})'.format(node.task.getId()) else: terminator = '{}'.format(node.task.getId()) lines.extend([ "", # " "*node.depth + "{}.extend({})".format(peek.task.getId(), terminator), " " * node.depth + "{}.extend({})".format(peek.task.getId(), node.task.getId()), ]) node = nodeStack.pop() else: test = False else: # we are going done or next subtask -> put node on stack nodeStack.push(node) return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] @staticmethod def simpleTaskToPython(doc, node): """ Creates the simulation python code for a given taskNode. The taskNodes are required to handle the relationships between RepeatedTasks, SubTasks and SimpleTasks (Task). :param doc: sedml document :type doc: SEDDocument :param node: taskNode of the current task :type node: TaskNode :return: :rtype: """ lines = [] task = node.task lines.append("# Task: <{}>".format(task.getId())) lines.append("{} = [None]".format(task.getId())) mid = task.getModelReference() sid = task.getSimulationReference() simulation = doc.getSimulation(sid) simType = simulation.getTypeCode() algorithm = simulation.getAlgorithm() if algorithm is None: warnings.warn("Algorithm missing on simulation, defaulting to 'cvode: KISAO:0000019'") algorithm = simulation.createAlgorithm() algorithm.setKisaoID("KISAO:0000019") kisao = algorithm.getKisaoID() # is supported algorithm if not SEDMLCodeFactory.isSupportedAlgorithmForSimulationType(kisao=kisao, simType=simType): warnings.warn("Algorithm {} unsupported for simulation {} type {} in task {}".format(kisao, simulation.getId(), simType, task.getId())) lines.append("# Unsupported Algorithm {} for SimulationType {}".format(kisao, simulation.getElementName())) return lines # set integrator/solver integratorName = SEDMLCodeFactory.getIntegratorNameForKisaoID(kisao) if not integratorName: warnings.warn("No integrator exists for {} in roadrunner".format(kisao)) return lines if simType is libsedml.SEDML_SIMULATION_STEADYSTATE: lines.append("{}.setSteadyStateSolver('{}')".format(mid, integratorName)) else: lines.append("{}.setIntegrator('{}')".format(mid, integratorName)) # use fixed step by default for stochastic sims if integratorName == 'gillespie': lines.append("{}.integrator.setValue('{}', {})".format(mid, 'variable_step_size', False)) if kisao == "KISAO:0000288": # BDF lines.append("{}.integrator.setValue('{}', {})".format(mid, 'stiff', True)) elif kisao == "KISAO:0000280": # Adams-Moulton lines.append("{}.integrator.setValue('{}', {})".format(mid, 'stiff', False)) # integrator/solver settings (AlgorithmParameters) for par in algorithm.getListOfAlgorithmParameters(): pkey = SEDMLCodeFactory.algorithmParameterToParameterKey(par) # only set supported algorithm paramters if pkey: if pkey.dtype is str: value = "'{}'".format(pkey.value) else: value = pkey.value if value == str('inf') or pkey.value == float('inf'): value = "float('inf')" else: pass if simType is libsedml.SEDML_SIMULATION_STEADYSTATE: lines.append("{}.steadyStateSolver.setValue('{}', {})".format(mid, pkey.key, value)) else: lines.append("{}.integrator.setValue('{}', {})".format(mid, pkey.key, value)) if simType is libsedml.SEDML_SIMULATION_STEADYSTATE: lines.append("if {model}.conservedMoietyAnalysis == False: {model}.conservedMoietyAnalysis = True".format(model=mid)) else: lines.append("if {model}.conservedMoietyAnalysis == True: {model}.conservedMoietyAnalysis = False".format(model=mid)) # get parents parents = [] parent = node.parent while parent is not None: parents.append(parent) parent = parent.parent # <selections> of all parents # --------------------------- selections = SEDMLCodeFactory.selectionsForTask(doc=doc, task=node.task) for p in parents: selections.update(SEDMLCodeFactory.selectionsForTask(doc=doc, task=p.task)) # <setValues> of all parents # --------------------------- # apply changes based on current variables, parameters and range variables for parent in reversed(parents): rangeId = parent.task.getRangeId() helperRanges = {} for r in parent.task.getListOfRanges(): if r.getId() != rangeId: helperRanges[r.getId()] = r for setValue in parent.task.getListOfTaskChanges(): variables = {} # range variables variables[rangeId] = "__value__{}".format(rangeId) for key in helperRanges.keys(): variables[key] = "__value__{}".format(key) # parameters for par in setValue.getListOfParameters(): variables[par.getId()] = par.getValue() for var in setValue.getListOfVariables(): vid = var.getId() mid = var.getModelReference() selection = SEDMLCodeFactory.selectionFromVariable(var, mid) expr = if selection.type == 'concentration': expr = "init([{}])".format( elif selection.type == 'amount': expr = "init({})".format( # create variable lines.append("__value__{} = {}['{}']".format(vid, mid, expr)) # variable for replacement variables[vid] = "__value__{}".format(vid) # value is calculated with the current state of model lines.append(SEDMLCodeFactory.targetToPython(xpath=setValue.getTarget(), value=evaluableMathML(setValue.getMath(), variables=variables), modelId=setValue.getModelReference()) ) # handle result variable resultVariable = "{}[0]".format(task.getId()) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # <UNIFORM TIMECOURSE> # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if simType == libsedml.SEDML_SIMULATION_UNIFORMTIMECOURSE: lines.append("{}.timeCourseSelections = {}".format(mid, list(selections))) initialTime = simulation.getInitialTime() outputStartTime = simulation.getOutputStartTime() outputEndTime = simulation.getOutputEndTime() numberOfPoints = simulation.getNumberOfPoints() # reset before simulation (see lines.append("{}.reset()".format(mid)) # throw some points away if abs(outputStartTime - initialTime) > 1E-6: lines.append("{}.simulate(start={}, end={}, points=2)".format( mid, initialTime, outputStartTime)) # real simulation lines.append("{} = {}.simulate(start={}, end={}, steps={})".format( resultVariable, mid, outputStartTime, outputEndTime, numberOfPoints)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # <ONESTEP> # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif simType == libsedml.SEDML_SIMULATION_ONESTEP: lines.append("{}.timeCourseSelections = {}".format(mid, list(selections))) step = simulation.getStep() lines.append("{} = {}.simulate(start={}, end={}, points=2)".format(resultVariable, mid, 0.0, step)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # <STEADY STATE> # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- elif simType == libsedml.SEDML_SIMULATION_STEADYSTATE: lines.append("{}.steadyStateSolver.setValue('{}', {})".format(mid, 'allow_presimulation', False)) lines.append("{}.steadyStateSelections = {}".format(mid, list(selections))) lines.append("{}.simulate()".format(mid)) # for stability of the steady state solver lines.append("{} = {}.steadyStateNamedArray()".format(resultVariable, mid)) # no need to turn this off because it will be checked before the next simulation # lines.append("{}.conservedMoietyAnalysis = False".format(mid)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # <OTHER> # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- else: lines.append("# Unsupported simulation: {}".format(simType)) return lines
[docs] @staticmethod def repeatedTaskToPython(doc, node): """ Create python for RepeatedTask. Must create - the ranges (Ranges) - apply all changes (SetValues) """ # storage of results task = node.task lines = ["", "{} = []".format(task.getId())] # <Range Definition> # master range rangeId = task.getRangeId() masterRange = task.getRange(rangeId) if masterRange.getTypeCode() == libsedml.SEDML_RANGE_UNIFORMRANGE: lines.extend(SEDMLCodeFactory.uniformRangeToPython(masterRange)) elif masterRange.getTypeCode() == libsedml.SEDML_RANGE_VECTORRANGE: lines.extend(SEDMLCodeFactory.vectorRangeToPython(masterRange)) elif masterRange.getTypeCode() == libsedml.SEDML_RANGE_FUNCTIONALRANGE: warnings.warn("FunctionalRange for master range not supported in task.") # lock-in ranges for r in task.getListOfRanges(): if r.getId() != rangeId: if r.getTypeCode() == libsedml.SEDML_RANGE_UNIFORMRANGE: lines.extend(SEDMLCodeFactory.uniformRangeToPython(r)) elif r.getTypeCode() == libsedml.SEDML_RANGE_VECTORRANGE: lines.extend(SEDMLCodeFactory.vectorRangeToPython(r)) # <Range Iteration> # iterate master range lines.append("for __k__{}, __value__{} in enumerate(__range__{}):".format(rangeId, rangeId, rangeId)) # Everything from now on is done in every iteration of the range # We have to collect & intent all lines in the loop) forLines = [] # definition of lock-in ranges helperRanges = {} for r in task.getListOfRanges(): if r.getId() != rangeId: helperRanges[r.getId()] = r if r.getTypeCode() in [libsedml.SEDML_RANGE_UNIFORMRANGE, libsedml.SEDML_RANGE_VECTORRANGE]: forLines.append("__value__{} = __range__{}[__k__{}]".format(r.getId(), r.getId(), rangeId)) # <functional range> if r.getTypeCode() == libsedml.SEDML_RANGE_FUNCTIONALRANGE: variables = {} # range variables variables[rangeId] = "__value__{}".format(rangeId) for key in helperRanges.keys(): variables[key] = "__value__{}".format(key) # parameters for par in r.getListOfParameters(): variables[par.getId()] = par.getValue() for var in r.getListOfVariables(): vid = var.getId() mid = var.getModelReference() selection = SEDMLCodeFactory.selectionFromVariable(var, mid) expr = if selection.type == 'concentration': expr = "[{}]".format( lines.append("__value__{} = {}['{}']".format(vid, mid, expr)) variables[vid] = "__value__{}".format(vid) # value is calculated with the current state of model value = evaluableMathML(r.getMath(), variables=variables) forLines.append("__value__{} = {}".format(r.getId(), value)) # <resetModels> # models to reset via task tree below node mids = set([]) for child in node: t = child.task if t.getTypeCode() == libsedml.SEDML_TASK: mids.add(t.getModelReference()) # reset models referenced in tree below task for mid in mids: if task.getResetModel(): # reset before every iteration forLines.append("{}.reset()".format(mid)) else: # reset before first iteration forLines.append("if __k__{} == 0:".format(rangeId)) forLines.append(" {}.reset()".format(mid)) # add lines lines.extend(' ' + line for line in forLines) return lines
[docs] @staticmethod def getDataGeneratorsForTask(doc, task): """ Get the DataGenerators which reference the given task. :param doc: :type doc: :param task: :type task: :return: :rtype: """ dgs = [] for dg in doc.getListOfDataGenerators(): for var in dg.getListOfVariables(): if var.getTaskReference() == task.getId(): dgs.append(dg) break # the DataGenerator is added, no need to look at rest of variables return dgs
[docs] @staticmethod def selectionsForTask(doc, task): """ Populate variable lists from the data generators for the given task. These are the timeCourseSelections and steadyStateSelections in RoadRunner. Search all data generators for variables which have to be part of the simulation. """ modelId = task.getModelReference() selections = set() for dg in doc.getListOfDataGenerators(): for var in dg.getListOfVariables(): if var.getTaskReference() == task.getId(): selection = SEDMLCodeFactory.selectionFromVariable(var, modelId) expr = if selection.type == "concentration": expr = "[{}]".format( selections.add(expr) return selections
[docs] @staticmethod def uniformRangeToPython(r): """ Create python lines for uniform range. :param r: :type r: :return: :rtype: """ lines = [] rId = r.getId() rStart = r.getStart() rEnd = r.getEnd() rPoints = r.getNumberOfPoints()+1 # One point more than number of points rType = r.getType() if rType in ['Linear', 'linear']: lines.append("__range__{} = np.linspace(start={}, stop={}, num={})".format(rId, rStart, rEnd, rPoints)) elif rType in ['Log', 'log']: lines.append("__range__{} = np.logspace(start={}, stop={}, num={})".format(rId, rStart, rEnd, rPoints)) else: warnings.warn("Unsupported range type in UniformRange: {}".format(rType)) return lines
[docs] @staticmethod def vectorRangeToPython(r): lines = [] __range = np.zeros(shape=[r.getNumValues()]) for k, v in enumerate(r.getValues()): __range[k] = v lines.append("__range__{} = {}".format(r.getId(), list(__range))) return lines
[docs] @staticmethod def isSupportedAlgorithmForSimulationType(kisao, simType): """ Check Algorithm Kisao Id is supported for simulation. :return: is supported :rtype: bool """ supported = [] if simType == libsedml.SEDML_SIMULATION_UNIFORMTIMECOURSE: supported = KISAOS_UNIFORMTIMECOURSE elif simType == libsedml.SEDML_SIMULATION_ONESTEP: supported = KISAOS_ONESTEP elif simType == libsedml.SEDML_SIMULATION_STEADYSTATE: supported = KISAOS_STEADYSTATE return kisao in supported
[docs] @staticmethod def getIntegratorNameForKisaoID(kid): """ RoadRunner integrator name for algorithm KisaoID. :param kid: KisaoID :type kid: str :return: RoadRunner integrator name. :rtype: str """ if kid in KISAOS_NLEQ: return 'nleq2' if kid in KISAOS_CVODE: return 'cvode' if kid in KISAOS_GILLESPIE: return 'gillespie' if kid in KISAOS_RK4: return 'rk4' if kid in KISAOS_RK45: return 'rk45' if kid in KISAOS_LSODA: warnings.warn('Tellurium does not support LSODA. Using CVODE instead.') return 'cvode' # just use cvode return None
[docs] @staticmethod def algorithmParameterToParameterKey(par): """ Resolve the mapping between parameter keys and roadrunner integrator keys.""" ParameterKey = namedtuple('ParameterKey', 'key value dtype') kid = par.getKisaoID() value = par.getValue() if kid in KISAOS_ALGORITHMPARAMETERS: # algorithm parameter is in the list of parameters key, dtype = KISAOS_ALGORITHMPARAMETERS[kid] if dtype is bool: # transform manually ! (otherwise all strings give True) if value == 'true': value = True elif value == 'false': value = False else: # cast to data type of parameter value = dtype(value) return ParameterKey(key, value, dtype) else: # algorithm parameter not supported warnings.warn("Unsupported AlgorithmParameter: {} = {})".format(kid, value)) return None
[docs] @staticmethod def targetToPython(xpath, value, modelId): """ Creates python line for given xpath target and value. :param xpath: :type xpath: :param value: :type value: :return: :rtype: """ target = SEDMLCodeFactory._resolveXPath(xpath, modelId) if target: # initial concentration if target.type == "concentration": expr = 'init([{}])'.format( # initial amount elif target.type == "amount": expr = 'init({})'.format( # other (parameter, flux, ...) else: expr = line = ("{}['{}'] = {}".format(modelId, expr, value)) else: line = ("# Unsupported target xpath: {}".format(xpath)) return line
[docs] @staticmethod def selectionFromVariable(var, modelId): """ Resolves the selection for the given variable. First checks if the variable is a symbol and returns the symbol. If no symbol is set the xpath of the target is resolved and used in the selection :param var: variable to resolve :type var: SedVariable :return: a single selection :rtype: Selection (namedtuple: id type) """ Selection = namedtuple('Selection', 'id type') # parse symbol expression if var.isSetSymbol(): cvs = var.getSymbol() astr = cvs.rsplit("symbol:") sid = astr[1] return Selection(sid, 'symbol') # use xpath elif var.isSetTarget(): xpath = var.getTarget() target = SEDMLCodeFactory._resolveXPath(xpath, modelId) return Selection(, target.type) else: warnings.warn("Unrecognized Selection in variable") return None
@staticmethod def _resolveXPath(xpath, modelId): """ Resolve the target from the xpath expression. A single target in the model corresponding to the modelId is resolved. Currently, the model is not used for xpath resolution. :param xpath: xpath expression. :type xpath: str :param modelId: id of model in which xpath should be resolved :type modelId: str :return: single target of xpath expression :rtype: Target (namedtuple: id type) """ # TODO: via better xpath expression # get type from the SBML document for the given id. # The xpath expression can be very general and does not need to contain the full # xml path # For instance: # /sbml:sbml/sbml:model/descendant::*[@id='S1'] # has to resolve to species. # TODO: figure out concentration or amount (from SBML document) # FIXME: getting of sids, pids not very robust, handle more cases (rules, reactions, ...) Target = namedtuple('Target', 'id type') def getId(xpath): xpath = xpath.replace('"', "'") match = re.findall(r"id='(.*?)'", xpath) if (match is None) or (len(match) is 0): warnings.warn("Xpath could not be resolved: {}".format(xpath)) return match[0] # parameter value change if ("model" in xpath) and ("parameter" in xpath): return Target(getId(xpath), 'parameter') # species concentration change elif ("model" in xpath) and ("species" in xpath): return Target(getId(xpath), 'concentration') # other elif ("model" in xpath) and ("id" in xpath): return Target(getId(xpath), 'other') # cannot be parsed else: raise ValueError("Unsupported target in xpath: {}".format(xpath))
[docs] @staticmethod def dataGeneratorToPython(doc, generator): """ Create variable from the data generators and the simulation results and data sources. The data of repeatedTasks is handled differently depending on if reset=True or reset=False. reset=True: every repeat is a single curve, i.e. the data is a list of data reset=False: all curves belong to a single simulation and are concatenated to one dataset """ lines = [] gid = generator.getId() mathml = generator.getMath() # create variables variables = {} for par in generator.getListOfParameters(): variables[par.getId()] = par.getValue() for var in generator.getListOfVariables(): varId = var.getId() variables[varId] = "__var__{}".format(varId) # create python for variables for var in generator.getListOfVariables(): varId = var.getId() taskId = var.getTaskReference() task = doc.getTask(taskId) # simulation data if task is not None: modelId = task.getModelReference() selection = SEDMLCodeFactory.selectionFromVariable(var, modelId) isTime = False if selection.type == "symbol" and == "time": isTime = True resetModel = True if task.getTypeCode() == libsedml.SEDML_TASK_REPEATEDTASK: resetModel = task.getResetModel() sid = if selection.type == "concentration": sid = "[{}]".format( # Series of curves if resetModel is True: # If each entry in the task consists of a single point (e.g. steady state scan) # , concatenate the points. Otherwise, plot as separate curves. import os if 'PROCESS_TRACE' in os.environ and os.environ['PROCESS_TRACE']: lines.append("__var__{} = np.concatenate([process_trace(sim['{}']) for sim in {}])".format(varId, sid, taskId)) else: lines.append("__var__{} = np.concatenate([sim['{}'] for sim in {}])".format(varId, sid, taskId)) else: # One curve via time adjusted concatenate if isTime is True: lines.append("__offsets__{} = np.cumsum(np.array([sim['{}'][-1] for sim in {}]))".format(taskId, sid, taskId)) lines.append("__offsets__{} = np.insert(__offsets__{}, 0, 0)".format(taskId, taskId)) lines.append("__var__{} = np.transpose(np.array([sim['{}']+__offsets__{}[k] for k, sim in enumerate({})]))".format(varId, sid, taskId, taskId)) lines.append("__var__{} = np.concatenate(np.transpose(__var__{}))".format(varId, varId)) else: lines.append("__var__{} = np.transpose(np.array([sim['{}'] for sim in {}]))".format(varId, sid, taskId)) lines.append("__var__{} = np.concatenate(np.transpose(__var__{}))".format(varId, varId)) lines.append("if len(__var__{}.shape) == 1:".format(varId)) lines.append(" __var__{}.shape += (1,)".format(varId)) # check for data sources else: target = var.getTarget() if target.startswith('#'): sid = target[1:] lines.append("__var__{} = {}".format(varId, sid)) else: warnings.warn("Unknown target in variable, no reference to SId: {}".format(target)) # calculate data generator value = evaluableMathML(mathml, variables=variables, array=True) lines.append("{} = {}".format(gid, value)) return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] def outputToPython(self, doc, output): """ Create output """ lines = [] typeCode = output.getTypeCode() if typeCode == libsedml.SEDML_OUTPUT_REPORT: lines.extend(SEDMLCodeFactory.outputReportToPython(self, doc, output)) elif typeCode == libsedml.SEDML_OUTPUT_PLOT2D: lines.extend(SEDMLCodeFactory.outputPlot2DToPython(self, doc, output)) elif typeCode == libsedml.SEDML_OUTPUT_PLOT3D: lines.extend(SEDMLCodeFactory.outputPlot3DToPython(self, doc, output)) else: warnings.warn("# Unsupported output type '{}' in output {}".format(output.getElementName(), output.getId())) return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs] def outputReportToPython(self, doc, output): """ OutputReport :param doc: :type doc: SedDocument :param output: :type output: SedOutputReport :return: list of python lines :rtype: list(str) """ lines = [] headers = [] dgIds = [] columns = [] for dataSet in output.getListOfDataSets(): # these are the columns headers.append(dataSet.getLabel()) # data generator (the id is the id of the data in python) dgId = dataSet.getDataReference() dgIds.append(dgId) columns.append("{}[:,k]".format(dgId)) # create data frames for the repeats lines.append("__dfs__{} = []".format(output.getId())) lines.append("for k in range({}.shape[1]):".format(dgIds[0])) lines.append(" __df__k = pandas.DataFrame(np.column_stack(" + str(columns).replace("'", "") + "), \n columns=" + str(headers) + ")") lines.append(" __dfs__{}.append(__df__k)".format(output.getId())) # save as variable in Tellurium lines.append(" te.setLastReport(__df__k)".format(output.getId())) if self.saveOutputs and self.createOutputs: lines.append( " filename = os.path.join('{}', '{}.{}')".format(self.outputDir, output.getId(), self.reportFormat)) lines.append( " __df__k.to_csv(filename, sep=',', index=False)".format(output.getId())) lines.append( " print('Report {}: {{}}'.format(filename))".format(output.getId())) return lines
[docs] @staticmethod def outputPlotSettings(): """ Settings for all plot types. :return: :rtype: """ PlotSettings = namedtuple('PlotSettings', 'colors, figsize, dpi, facecolor, edgecolor, linewidth, marker, markersize, alpha') # all lines of same cuve have same color settings = PlotSettings( colors=[u'#1f77b4', u'#ff7f0e', u'#2ca02c', u'#d62728', u'#9467bd', u'#8c564b', u'#e377c2', u'#7f7f7f', u'#bcbd22', u'#17becf'], figsize=(9, 5), dpi=80, facecolor='w', edgecolor='k', linewidth=1.5, marker='', markersize=3.0, alpha=1.0 ) return settings
[docs] def outputPlot2DToPython(self, doc, output): """ OutputReport If workingDir is provided the plot is saved in the workingDir. :param doc: :type doc: SedDocument :param output: :type output: SedOutputReport :return: list of python lines :rtype: list(str) """ # TODO: logX and logY not applied lines = [] settings = SEDMLCodeFactory.outputPlotSettings() # figure title title = output.getId() if output.isSetName(): title = "{}".format(output.getName()) # xtitle oneXLabel = True allXLabel = None for kc, curve in enumerate(output.getListOfCurves()): xId = curve.getXDataReference() dgx = doc.getDataGenerator(xId) xLabel = xId if dgx.isSetName(): xLabel = "{}".format(dgx.getName()) # do all curves have the same xLabel if kc == 0: allXLabel = xLabel elif xLabel != allXLabel: oneXLabel = False xtitle = '' if oneXLabel: xtitle = allXLabel lines.append("_stacked = False") # stacking, currently disabled # lines.append("_stacked = False") # lines.append("_engine = te.getPlottingEngine()") # for kc, curve in enumerate(output.getListOfCurves()): # xId = curve.getXDataReference() # lines.append("if {}.shape[1] > 1 and te.getDefaultPlottingEngine() == 'plotly':".format(xId)) # lines.append(" stacked=True") lines.append("if _stacked:") lines.append(" tefig = te.getPlottingEngine().newStackedFigure(title='{}', xtitle='{}')".format(title, xtitle)) lines.append("else:") lines.append(" tefig = te.nextFigure(title='{}', xtitle='{}')\n".format(title, xtitle)) for kc, curve in enumerate(output.getListOfCurves()): logX = curve.getLogX() logY = curve.getLogY() xId = curve.getXDataReference() yId = curve.getYDataReference() dgx = doc.getDataGenerator(xId) dgy = doc.getDataGenerator(yId) color = settings.colors[kc % len(settings.colors)] tag = 'tag{}'.format(kc) yLabel = yId if curve.isSetName(): yLabel = "{}".format(curve.getName()) elif dgy.isSetName(): yLabel = "{}".format(dgy.getName()) # FIXME: add all the additional information to the plot, i.e. the settings and styles for a given curve lines.append("for k in range({}.shape[1]):".format(xId)) lines.append(" extra_args = {}") lines.append(" if k == 0:") lines.append(" extra_args['name'] = '{}'".format(yLabel)) lines.append(" tefig.addXYDataset({xarr}[:,k], {yarr}[:,k], color='{color}', tag='{tag}', logx={logx}, logy={logy}, **extra_args)".format(xarr=xId, yarr=yId, color=color, tag=tag, logx=logX, logy=logY)) # FIXME: endpoints must be handled via plotting functions # lines.append(" fix_endpoints({}[:,k], {}[:,k], color='{}', tag='{}', fig=tefig)".format(xId, yId, color, tag)) lines.append("if te.tiledFigure():\n") lines.append(" if te.tiledFigure().renderIfExhausted():\n") lines.append(" te.clearTiledFigure()\n") lines.append("else:\n") lines.append(" fig = tefig.render()\n") if self.saveOutputs and self.createOutputs: # FIXME: only working for matplotlib lines.append("if str(te.getPlottingEngine()) == '<MatplotlibEngine>':".format(self.outputDir, output.getId(), self.plotFormat)) lines.append(" filename = os.path.join('{}', '{}.{}')".format(self.outputDir, output.getId(), self.plotFormat)) lines.append(" fig.savefig(filename, format='{}', bbox_inches='tight')".format(self.plotFormat)) lines.append(" print('Figure {}: {{}}'.format(filename))".format(output.getId())) lines.append("") return lines
[docs] def outputPlot3DToPython(self, doc, output): """ OutputPlot3D :param doc: :type doc: SedDocument :param output: :type output: SedOutputPlot3D :return: list of python lines :rtype: list(str) """ # TODO: handle mix of log and linear axis settings = SEDMLCodeFactory.outputPlotSettings() lines = [] lines.append("from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D") lines.append("fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize={}, dpi={}, facecolor='{}', edgecolor='{}')".format(settings.figsize, settings.dpi, settings.facecolor, settings.edgecolor)) lines.append("from matplotlib import gridspec") lines.append("__gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[3, 1])") lines.append("ax = plt.subplot(__gs[0], projection='3d')") # lines.append("ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')") title = output.getId() if output.isSetName(): title = output.getName() oneXLabel = True oneYLabel = True allXLabel = None allYLabel = None for kc, surf in enumerate(output.getListOfSurfaces()): logX = surf.getLogX() logY = surf.getLogY() logZ = surf.getLogZ() xId = surf.getXDataReference() yId = surf.getYDataReference() zId = surf.getZDataReference() dgx = doc.getDataGenerator(xId) dgy = doc.getDataGenerator(yId) dgz = doc.getDataGenerator(zId) color = settings.colors[kc % len(settings.colors)] zLabel = zId if surf.isSetName(): zLabel = surf.getName() elif dgy.isSetName(): zLabel = dgz.getName() xLabel = xId if dgx.isSetName(): xLabel = dgx.getName() yLabel = yId if dgy.isSetName(): yLabel = dgy.getName() # do all curves have the same xLabel & yLabel if kc == 0: allXLabel = xLabel allYLabel = yLabel if xLabel != allXLabel: oneXLabel = False if yLabel != allYLabel: oneYLabel = False lines.append("for k in range({}.shape[1]):".format(xId)) lines.append(" if k == 0:") lines.append(" ax.plot({}[:,k], {}[:,k], {}[:,k], marker = '{}', color='{}', linewidth={}, markersize={}, alpha={}, label='{}')".format(xId, yId, zId, settings.marker, color, settings.linewidth, settings.markersize, settings.alpha, zLabel)) lines.append(" else:") lines.append(" ax.plot({}[:,k], {}[:,k], {}[:,k], marker = '{}', color='{}', linewidth={}, markersize={}, alpha={})".format(xId, yId, zId, settings.marker, color, settings.linewidth, settings.markersize, settings.alpha)) lines.append("ax.set_title('{}', fontweight='bold')".format(title)) if oneXLabel: lines.append("ax.set_xlabel('{}', fontweight='bold')".format(xLabel)) if oneYLabel: lines.append("ax.set_ylabel('{}', fontweight='bold')".format(yLabel)) if len(output.getListOfSurfaces()) == 1: lines.append("ax.set_zlabel('{}', fontweight='bold')".format(zLabel)) lines.append("__lg = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.)") lines.append("__lg.draw_frame(False)") lines.append("plt.setp(__lg.get_texts(), fontsize='small')") lines.append("plt.setp(__lg.get_texts(), fontweight='bold')") lines.append("plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=10)") lines.append("plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=8)") lines.append("plt.savefig(os.path.join(workingDir, '{}.png'), dpi=100)".format(output.getId())) lines.append("".format(title)) return lines
[docs]class SEDMLTools(object): """ Helper functions to work with sedml. """ INPUT_TYPE_STR = 'SEDML_STRING' INPUT_TYPE_FILE_SEDML = 'SEDML_FILE' INPUT_TYPE_FILE_COMBINE = 'COMBINE_FILE' # includes .sedx archives
[docs] @classmethod def checkSEDMLDocument(cls, doc): """ Checks the SedDocument for errors. Raises IOError if error exists. :param doc: :type doc: """ errorlog = doc.getErrorLog() msg = errorlog.toString() if doc.getErrorLog().getNumFailsWithSeverity(libsedml.LIBSEDML_SEV_ERROR) > 0: # FIXME: workaround for warnings.warn(msg) # raise IOError(msg) if errorlog.getNumFailsWithSeverity(libsedml.LIBSEDML_SEV_FATAL) > 0: # raise IOError(msg) warnings.warn(msg) if errorlog.getNumFailsWithSeverity(libsedml.LIBSEDML_SEV_WARNING) > 0: warnings.warn(msg) if errorlog.getNumFailsWithSeverity(libsedml.LIBSEDML_SEV_SCHEMA_ERROR) > 0: warnings.warn(msg) if errorlog.getNumFailsWithSeverity(libsedml.LIBSEDML_SEV_GENERAL_WARNING) > 0: warnings.warn(msg)
[docs] @classmethod def readSEDMLDocument(cls, inputStr, workingDir): """ Parses SedMLDocument from given input. :return: dictionary of SedDocument, inputType and working directory. :rtype: {doc, inputType, workingDir} """ # SEDML-String if not os.path.exists(inputStr): try: from xml.etree import ElementTree x = ElementTree.fromstring(inputStr) # is parsable xml string doc = libsedml.readSedMLFromString(inputStr) inputType = cls.INPUT_TYPE_STR if workingDir is None: workingDir = os.getcwd() except ElementTree.ParseError: if not os.path.exists(inputStr): raise IOError("SED-ML String is not valid XML:", inputStr) # SEDML-File else: filename, extension = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inputStr)) # Archive if zipfile.is_zipfile(inputStr): omexPath = inputStr inputType = cls.INPUT_TYPE_FILE_COMBINE # in case of sedx and combine a working directory is created # in which the files are extracted if workingDir is None: extractDir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(omexPath)), '_te_{}'.format(filename)) else: extractDir = workingDir # TODO: refactor this # extract the archive to working directory CombineArchive.extractArchive(omexPath, extractDir) # get SEDML files from archive sedmlFiles = CombineArchive.filePathsFromExtractedArchive(extractDir, filetype='sed-ml') if len(sedmlFiles) == 0: raise IOError("No SEDML files found in archive.") # FIXME: there could be multiple SEDML files in archive (currently only first used) # analogue to executeOMEX if len(sedmlFiles) > 1: warnings.warn("More than one sedml file in archive, only processing first one.") sedmlFile = sedmlFiles[0] doc = libsedml.readSedMLFromFile(sedmlFile) # we have to work relative to the SED-ML file workingDir = os.path.dirname(sedmlFile) cls.checkSEDMLDocument(doc) # SEDML single file elif os.path.isfile(inputStr): if extension not in [".sedml", '.xml']: raise IOError("SEDML file should have [.sedml|.xml] extension:", inputStr) inputType = cls.INPUT_TYPE_FILE_SEDML doc = libsedml.readSedMLFromFile(inputStr) cls.checkSEDMLDocument(doc) # working directory is where the sedml file is if workingDir is None: workingDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(inputStr)) return {'doc': doc, 'inputType': inputType, 'workingDir': workingDir}
[docs] @staticmethod def resolveModelChanges(doc): """ Resolves the original source model and full change lists for models. Going through the tree of model upwards until root is reached and collecting changes on the way (example models m* and changes c*) m1 (source) -> m2 (c1, c2) -> m3 (c3, c4) resolves to m1 (source) [] m2 (source) [c1,c2] m3 (source) [c1,c2,c3,c4] The order of changes is important (at least between nodes on different levels of hierarchies), because later changes of derived models could reverse earlier changes. Uses recursive search strategy, which should be okay as long as the model tree hierarchy is not getting to big. """ # initial dicts (handle source & change information for single node) model_sources = {} model_changes = {} for m in doc.getListOfModels(): mid = m.getId() source = m.getSource() model_sources[mid] = source changes = [] # store the changes unique for this model for c in m.getListOfChanges(): changes.append(c) model_changes[mid] = changes # recursive search for original model and store the # changes which have to be applied in the list of changes def findSource(mid, changes): # mid is node above if mid in model_sources and not model_sources[mid] == mid: # add changes for node for c in model_changes[mid]: changes.append(c) # keep looking deeper return findSource(model_sources[mid], changes) # the source is no longer a key in the sources, it is the source return mid, changes all_changes = {} mids = [m.getId() for m in doc.getListOfModels()] for mid in mids: source, changes = findSource(mid, changes=list()) model_sources[mid] = source all_changes[mid] = changes[::-1] return model_sources, all_changes
[docs]def process_trace(trace): """ If each entry in the task consists of a single point (e.g. steady state scan), concatenate the points. Otherwise, plot as separate curves.""" if trace.size > 1: if len(trace.shape) == 1: return np.concatenate((np.atleast_1d(trace), np.atleast_1d(np.nan))) elif len(trace.shape) == 2: result = np.vstack((np.atleast_1d(trace), np.full((1,trace.shape[-1]), np.nan))) return result else: return np.atleast_1d(trace)
[docs]def terminate_trace(trace): """ If each entry in the task consists of a single point (e.g. steady state scan), concatenate the points. Otherwise, plot as separate curves.""" warnings.warn("don't use this", DeprecationWarning) if isinstance(trace, list): if len(trace) > 0 and not isinstance(trace[-1], list) and not isinstance(trace[-1], dict): # if len(trace) > 2 and isinstance(trace[-1], dict): # e = np.array(trace[-1], copy=True) e = {} for name in trace[-1].colnames: e[name] = np.atleast_1d(np.nan) # print('e:') # print(e) return trace + [e] return trace
[docs]def fix_endpoints(x, y, color, tag, fig): """ Adds endpoint markers wherever there is a discontinuity in the data.""" warnings.warn("don't use this", DeprecationWarning) # expect x and y to be 1d if len(x.shape) > 1: raise RuntimeError('Expected x to be 1d') if len(y.shape) > 1: raise RuntimeError('Expected y to be 1d') x_aug = np.concatenate((np.atleast_1d(np.nan), np.atleast_1d(x), np.atleast_1d(np.nan))) y_aug = np.concatenate((np.atleast_1d(np.nan), np.atleast_1d(y), np.atleast_1d(np.nan))) w = np.argwhere(np.isnan(x_aug)) endpoints_x = [] endpoints_y = [] for begin, end in ( (int(w[k]+1), int(w[k+1])) for k in range(w.shape[0]-1) ): if begin != end: #print('begin {}, end {}'.format(begin, end)) x_values = x_aug[begin:end] x_identical = np.all(x_values == x_values[0]) y_values = y_aug[begin:end] y_identical = np.all(y_values == y_values[0]) #print('x_values') #print(x_values) #print('x identical? {}'.format(x_identical)) #print('y_values') #print(y_values) #print('y identical? {}'.format(y_identical)) if x_identical and y_identical: # get the coords for the new markers x_begin = x_values[0] x_end = x_values[-1] y_begin = y_values[0] y_end = y_values[-1] # append to the lists endpoints_x += [x_begin, x_end] endpoints_y += [y_begin, y_end] if endpoints_x: fig.addXYDataset(np.array(endpoints_x), np.array(endpoints_y), color=color, tag=tag, mode='markers')
################################################################################################## if __name__ == "__main__": import os from tellurium.tests.testdata import SEDML_TEST_DIR, OMEX_TEST_DIR import matplotlib def testInput(sedmlInput): """ Test function run on inputStr. """ print('\n', '*'*100) print(sedmlInput) print('*'*100) factory = SEDMLCodeFactory(sedmlInput) # create python file python_str = factory.toPython() realPath = os.path.realpath(sedmlInput) with open(sedmlInput + '.py', 'w') as f: f.write(python_str) # execute python factory.executePython() # testInput(os.path.join(sedmlDir, "sedMLBIOM21.sedml")) # Check sed-ml files for fname in sorted(os.listdir(SEDML_TEST_DIR)): if fname.endswith(".sedml"): testInput(os.path.join(SEDML_TEST_DIR, fname)) # Check sedx archives for fname in sorted(os.listdir(OMEX_TEST_DIR)): if fname.endswith(".sedx"): testInput(os.path.join(OMEX_TEST_DIR, fname))