Source code for tellurium.tellurium

Main tellurium entry point.

The module tellurium provides support routines.
As part of this module an ExendedRoadRunner class is defined which provides helper methods for
model export, plotting or the Jarnac compatibility layer.

# Core imports

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import

import sys
import os
import random
import warnings
import importlib
import json
import numpy as np
import antimony
import matplotlib


__default_plotting_engine = PLOTTING_ENGINE_MATPLOTLIB

# enable fixes for non-IPython environment
if any('IPYTHONDIR' in name for name in os.environ):
    IPYTHON = True

# use Agg backend in notebooks or when Tkinter is not present
    if IPYTHON:
        matplotlib.use('Agg', warn=False)
        import Tkinter
    except ImportError:
        matplotlib.use('Agg', warn=False)

# Ipython helpers

# determine if we're running in IPython
__in_ipython = True
__plotly_enabled = False

        # init plotly notebook mode
            import plotly
            __plotly_enabled = True
            __default_plotting_engine = PLOTTING_ENGINE_PLOTLY
            warnings.warn("plotly could not be initialized. Unable to use Plotly for plotting.")
        __in_ipython = False

[docs]def inIPython(): """ Checks if tellurium is used in IPython. Returns true if tellurium is being using in an IPython environment, false otherwise. :return: boolean """ global __in_ipython return __in_ipython
[docs]def getDefaultPlottingEngine(): """ Get the default plotting engine. Options are 'matplotlib' or 'plotly'. :return: """ global __default_plotting_engine return __default_plotting_engine
[docs]def setDefaultPlottingEngine(engine): """ Set the default plotting engine. Overrides current value. :param engine: A string describing which plotting engine to use. Valid values are 'matplotlib' and 'plotly'. """ if engine not in [PLOTTING_ENGINE_PLOTLY, PLOTTING_ENGINE_MATPLOTLIB, PLOTTING_ENGINE_NULL]: raise ValueError('Plotting engine is not supported: {}'.format(engine)) global __default_plotting_engine __default_plotting_engine = engine
[docs]def disablePlotting(): setDefaultPlottingEngine(PLOTTING_ENGINE_NULL)
__save_plots_to_pdf = False # flag which decides if plotted to pdf
[docs]def setSavePlotsToPDF(value): """ Sets whether plots should be saved to PDF. """ global __save_plots_to_pdf __save_plots_to_pdf = value
############################################## # Plotting helpers ############################################## import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # make this the default style for matplotlib #'fivethirtyeight') from .plotting import getPlottingEngineFactory as __getPlottingEngineFactory, plot, show, nextFigure, tiledFigure, newTiledFigure, newLowerTriFigure, clearTiledFigure
[docs]def getPlottingEngineFactory(engine=None): global __save_plots_to_pdf if engine is None: engine = getDefaultPlottingEngine() factory = __getPlottingEngineFactory(engine) factory.save_plots_to_pdf = __save_plots_to_pdf return factory
__plotting_engines = {}
[docs]def getPlottingEngine(engine=None): global __plotting_engines if engine is None: engine = getDefaultPlottingEngine() if not engine in __plotting_engines: __plotting_engines[engine] = getPlottingEngineFactory(engine)() return __plotting_engines[engine]
getPlottingEngineFactory.__doc__ = __getPlottingEngineFactory.__doc__ ############################################## # Remaining imports ############################################## import roadrunner try: import tesedml as libsedml except ImportError as e: try: import libsedml except ImportError: libsedml = None roadrunner.Logger.log(roadrunner.Logger.LOG_WARNING, str(e)) warnings.warn("'libsedml' could not be imported", ImportWarning, stacklevel=2) try: try: import tesbml as libsbml except ImportError: import libsbml except ImportError as e: libsbml = None roadrunner.Logger.log(roadrunner.Logger.LOG_WARNING, str(e)) warnings.warn("'libsbml' could not be imported", ImportWarning, stacklevel=2) try: import phrasedml except ImportError as e: phrasedml = None roadrunner.Logger.log(roadrunner.Logger.LOG_WARNING, str(e)) warnings.warn("'phrasedml' could not be imported", ImportWarning, stacklevel=2) try: import sbol except ImportError as e: sbol = None warnings.warn("'pySBOL' could not be imported, cannot import/export SBOL files", ImportWarning, stacklevel=2) try: from sbml2matlab import sbml2matlab except ImportError as e: sbml2matlab = None roadrunner.Logger.log(roadrunner.Logger.LOG_WARNING, str(e)) warnings.warn("'sbml2matlab' could not be imported", ImportWarning) from . import teconverters # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Group: Utility # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def getVersionInfo(): """ Returns version information for tellurium included packages. :returns: list of tuples (package, version) """ versions = [ ('tellurium', getTelluriumVersion()), ('roadrunner', roadrunner.__version__), ('antimony', antimony.__version__), ] if libsbml: versions.append(('libsbml', libsbml.getLibSBMLDottedVersion())) if libsedml: versions.append(('libsedml', libsedml.getLibSEDMLDottedVersion())) if phrasedml: versions.append(('phrasedml', phrasedml.__version__)) if sbol: versions.append(('pySBOL', sbol.__version__)) return versions
[docs]def printVersionInfo(): """ Prints version information for tellurium included packages. see also: :func:`getVersionInfo` """ versions = getVersionInfo() for v in versions: print(v[0], ':', v[1])
[docs]def getTelluriumVersion(): """ Version number of tellurium. :returns: version :rtype: str """ try: with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'VERSION.txt'), 'r') as f: version = except: with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'VERSION.txt'), 'r') as f: version = return version
[docs]def noticesOff(): """Switch off the generation of notices to the user. Call this to stop roadrunner from printing warning message to the console. See also :func:`noticesOn` """ roadrunner.Logger.setLevel(roadrunner.Logger.LOG_WARNING)
[docs]def noticesOn(): """ Switch on notice generation to the user. See also :func:`noticesOff` """ roadrunner.Logger.setLevel(roadrunner.Logger.LOG_NOTICE)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Group: Loading Models # --------------------------------------------------------------------- __te_models = {} def __set_model(model_name, rr): __te_models[model_name] = rr
[docs]def model(model_name): """Retrieve a model which has already been loaded. :param model_name: the name of the model :type model_name: str """ if not model_name in __te_models: raise KeyError('No such model has been loaded: {}'.format(model_name)) return __te_models[model_name]
def _checkAntimonyReturnCode(code): """ Helper for checking the antimony response code. Raises Exception if error in antimony. :param code: antimony response :type code: int """ if code < 0: raise Exception('Antimony: {}'.format(antimony.getLastError()))
[docs]def colorCycle(color,polyNumber): """ Adjusts contents of self.color as needed for plotting methods.""" if len(color) < polyNumber: for i in range(polyNumber - len(color)): color.append(color[i]) else: for i in range(len(color) - polyNumber): del color[-(i+1)] return color
[docs]def sample_plot(result): color = ['#0F0F3D', '#141452', '#1A1A66', '#1F1F7A', '#24248F', '#2929A3', '#2E2EB8', '#3333CC', '#4747D1', '#5C5CD6'] if len(color) != result.shape[1]: color = colorCycle(color,10) for i in range(result.shape[1] - 1): plt.plot(result[:, 0], result[:, i + 1], color=color[i], linewidth=2.5, label="SomeLabel") plt.xlabel('time') plt.ylabel('concentration') plt.suptitle("Sample Plot") plt.legend()
[docs]def plotImage(img): imgplot = plt.imshow(img) plt.close()
[docs]def custom_plot(x, y, min_y,max_y, label_name , **kwargs): ax = kwargs.pop('ax', plt.gca()) base_line, = ax.plot(x, y, label=label_name,**kwargs) ax.fill_between(x, min_y, max_y, facecolor=base_line.get_color(), alpha=0.3)
# Now add the legend with some customizations.
[docs]def plot_stochastic_result(result): plt.close() if(len(result) < 1): return col_names = result[0][0] sim_result = np.array([item[1] for item in result]) mean_result = sim_result.mean(0) min_result = sim_result.min(0) max_result = sim_result.max(0) for col in range(1,len(col_names)): X = mean_result[:,0] Y = mean_result[:,col] min_y = min_result[:,col] max_y = max_result[:,col] custom_plot(X,Y,min_y,max_y,col_names[col]) #plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.) plt.legend()
[docs]def distributed_stochastic_simulation(sc,stochastic_model_object, num_simulations, model_type="antimony"): def stochastic_work(model_object): import tellurium as te if model_type == "antimony": model_roadrunner = te.loada(model_object.model) else: model_roadrunner = te.loadSBMLModel(model_object.model) model_roadrunner.integrator = model_object.integrator # seed the randint method with the current time random.seed() # it is now safe to use random.randint model_roadrunner.setSeed(random.randint(1000, 99999)) model_roadrunner.integrator.variable_step_size = model_object.variable_step_size model_roadrunner.reset() simulated_data = model_roadrunner.simulate(model_object.from_time, model_object.to_time, model_object.step_points) return([simulated_data.colnames,np.array(simulated_data)]) return(sc.parallelize([stochastic_model_object]*num_simulations,num_simulations).map(stochastic_work).collect())
[docs]def plot_distributed_stochastic(plot_data): fig = getPlottingEngine().newFigure(title='Stochastic Result') for each_data in plot_data: for i_column in range(1,len(each_data[0])): name = each_data[0][i_column] fig.addXYDataset([i_data[0] for i_data in each_data[1]],[i_data[i_column] for i_data in each_data[1]], name=name) fig.plot()
[docs]def distributed_parameter_scanning(sc,list_of_models, function_name,antimony="antimony"): def spark_work(model_with_parameters): import tellurium as te if(antimony == "antimony"): model_roadrunner = te.loada(model_with_parameters[0]) else: model_roadrunner = te.loadSBMLModel(model_with_parameters[0]) parameter_scan_initilisation = te.ParameterScan(model_roadrunner,**model_with_parameters[1]) simulator = getattr(parameter_scan_initilisation, function_name) return(simulator()) return(sc.parallelize(list_of_models,len(list_of_models)).map(spark_work).collect())
[docs]def distributed_sensitivity_analysis(sc,senitivity_analysis_model,calculation=None): def spark_sensitivity_analysis(model_with_parameters): import tellurium as te sa_model = model_with_parameters[0] parameters = model_with_parameters[1] class_name = importlib.import_module(sa_model.filename) user_defined_simulator = getattr(class_name, dir(class_name)[0]) sa_model.simulation = user_defined_simulator() if(sa_model.sbml): model_roadrunner = te.loadAntimonyModel(te.sbmlToAntimony(sa_model.model)) else: model_roadrunner = te.loadAntimonyModel(sa_model.model) model_roadrunner.conservedMoietyAnalysis = sa_model.conservedMoietyAnalysis #Running PreSimulation model_roadrunner = sa_model.simulation.presimulator(model_roadrunner) #Running Analysis computations = {} model_roadrunner = sa_model.simulation.simulator(model_roadrunner,computations) _analysis = [None,None] #Setting the Parameter Variables _analysis[0] = {} for i_param,param_names in enumerate(sa_model.bounds.keys()): _analysis[0][param_names] = parameters[i_param] setattr(model_roadrunner, param_names, parameters[i_param]) _analysis[1] = computations return _analysis if(senitivity_analysis_model.bounds is None): print("Bounds are Undefined.") return #Get the Filename sc.addPyFile(senitivity_analysis_model.filename) senitivity_analysis_model.filename = os.path.basename(senitivity_analysis_model.filename).split(".")[0] params = [] if(senitivity_analysis_model.allowLog): for bound_values in senitivity_analysis_model.bounds.values(): if(len(bound_values) > 2): params.append(np.logspace(bound_values[0], bound_values[1], bound_values[2])) elif(len(bound_values == 2)): params.append(np.logspace(bound_values[0], bound_values[1], 3)) else: print("Improper Boundaries Defined") return; else: for bound_values in senitivity_analysis_model.bounds.values(): if(len(bound_values) > 2): params.append(np.linspace(bound_values[0], bound_values[1], bound_values[2])) elif(len(bound_values == 2)): params.append(np.linspace(bound_values[0], bound_values[1], 3)) else: print("Improper Boundaries Defined") return; samples = perform_sampling(np.meshgrid(*params)) samples = zip([senitivity_analysis_model]*len(samples),samples) if(calculation is "avg"): group_rdd = sc.parallelize(samples,len(samples)).map(spark_sensitivity_analysis).\ flatMap(lambda x: x[1].items()).groupByKey() KEYS = x: (x[0])).collect() VALUES = x: np.array(list(x[1]))) values_array = np.array(VALUES.collect()) MEANS = (np.average(values_array, axis=1)) STD = (np.std(values_array, axis=1)) stats = {} for key_i,each_key in enumerate(KEYS): stats[each_key] = {} stats[each_key]["mean"] = MEANS[key_i] stats[each_key]["stdev"] = STD[key_i] return stats elif(type(calculation) is dict): bins = sc.broadcast(calculation) group_rdd = sc.parallelize(samples,len(samples)).map(spark_sensitivity_analysis)\ .flatMap(lambda x: x[1].items()).map( lambda x: (x[0], [int(items[0] <= x[1] <= items[1]) for items in bins.value[x[0]]])).reduceByKey( lambda first, second: [x + y for x, y in zip(first, second)]) return group_rdd.collect() else: return(sc.parallelize(samples,len(samples)).map(spark_sensitivity_analysis).collect())
[docs]def perform_sampling(mesh): samples = [] mesh = [items.flatten() for items in mesh] for i in range(len(mesh[0])): samples.append([items[i] for items in mesh]) return(samples)
[docs]def loada(ant): """Load model from Antimony string. See also: :func:`loadAntimonyModel` :: r = te.loada('S1 -> S2; k1*S1; k1=0.1; S1=10.0; S2 = 0.0') :param ant: Antimony model :type ant: str | file :returns: RoadRunner instance with model loaded :rtype: roadrunner.ExtendedRoadRunner """ return loadAntimonyModel(ant)
[docs]def loadAntimonyModel(ant): """Load Antimony model with tellurium. See also: :func:`loada` :: r = te.loadAntimonyModel('S1 -> S2; k1*S1; k1=0.1; S1=10.0; S2 = 0.0') :param ant: Antimony model :type ant: str | file :returns: RoadRunner instance with model loaded :rtype: roadrunner.ExtendedRoadRunner """ sbml = antimonyToSBML(ant) return roadrunner.RoadRunner(sbml)
[docs]def loads(ant): """Load SBML model with tellurium See also: :func:`loadSBMLModel` :param ant: SBML model :type ant: str | file :returns: RoadRunner instance with model loaded :rtype: roadrunner.ExtendedRoadRunner """ return loadSBMLModel(ant)
[docs]def loadSBMLModel(sbml): """ Load SBML model from a string or file. :param sbml: SBML model :type sbml: str | file :returns: RoadRunner instance with model loaded :rtype: roadrunner.ExtendedRoadRunner """ return roadrunner.RoadRunner(sbml)
[docs]def loadCellMLModel(cellml): """ Load CellML model with tellurium. :param cellml: CellML model :type cellml: str | file :returns: RoadRunner instance with model loaded :rtype: roadrunner.ExtendedRoadRunner """ sbml = cellmlToSBML(cellml) return roadrunner.RoadRunner(sbml)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Interconversion Methods # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def antimonyTosbml(ant): warnings.warn("'antimonyTosbml' is deprecated. Use 'antimonyToSBML' instead. Will be removed in tellurium v2.1", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return antimonyToSBML(ant)
[docs]def antimonyToSBML(ant): """ Convert Antimony to SBML string. :param ant: Antimony string or file :type ant: str | file :return: SBML :rtype: str """ try: isfile = os.path.isfile(ant) except ValueError: isfile = False if isfile: code = antimony.loadAntimonyFile(ant) else: code = antimony.loadAntimonyString(ant) _checkAntimonyReturnCode(code) mid = antimony.getMainModuleName() return antimony.getSBMLString(mid)
[docs]def antimonyToCellML(ant): """ Convert Antimony to CellML string. :param ant: Antimony string or file :type ant: str | file :return: CellML :rtype: str """ if os.path.isfile(ant): code = antimony.loadAntimonyFile(ant) else: code = antimony.loadAntimonyString(ant) _checkAntimonyReturnCode(code) mid = antimony.getMainModuleName() return antimony.getCellMLString(mid)
[docs]def sbmlToAntimony(sbml): """ Convert SBML to antimony string. :param sbml: SBML string or file :type sbml: str | file :return: Antimony :rtype: str """ isfile = False try: isfile = os.path.isfile(sbml) except: pass if isfile: code = antimony.loadSBMLFile(sbml) else: code = antimony.loadSBMLString(str(sbml)) _checkAntimonyReturnCode(code) return antimony.getAntimonyString(None)
[docs]def sbmlToCellML(sbml): """ Convert SBML to CellML string. :param sbml: SBML string or file :type sbml: str | file :return: CellML :rtype: str """ if os.path.isfile(sbml): code = antimony.loadSBMLFile(sbml) else: code = antimony.loadSBMLString(sbml) _checkAntimonyReturnCode(code) return antimony.getCellMLString(None)
[docs]def cellmlToAntimony(cellml): """ Convert CellML to antimony string. :param cellml: CellML string or file :type cellml: str | file :return: antimony :rtype: str """ if os.path.isfile(cellml): code = antimony.loadCellMLFile(cellml) else: code = antimony.loadCellMLString(cellml) _checkAntimonyReturnCode(code) return antimony.getAntimonyString(None)
[docs]def cellmlToSBML(cellml): """ Convert CellML to SBML string. :param cellml: CellML string or file :type cellml: str | file :return: SBML :rtype: str """ if os.path.isfile(cellml): code = antimony.loadCellMLFile(cellml) else: code = antimony.loadCellMLString(cellml) _checkAntimonyReturnCode(code) return antimony.getSBMLString(None)
[docs]def exportInlineOmex(inline_omex, export_location): """ Export an inline OMEX string to a COMBINE archive. :param inline_omex: String containing inline OMEX describing models and simulations. :param export_location: Filepath of Combine archive to create. """ from .teconverters import saveInlineOMEX saveInlineOMEX(inline_omex, export_location)
[docs]def executeInlineOmex(inline_omex, comp=False): """ Execute inline phrasedml and antimony. :param inline_omex: String containing inline phrasedml and antimony. """ in_omex = teconverters.inlineOmex.fromString(inline_omex, comp=comp) in_omex.executeOmex()
[docs]def executeInlineOmexFromFile(filepath): """ Execute inline OMEX with simulations described in phrasedml and models described in antimony. :param filepath: Path to file containing inline phrasedml and antimony. """ with open(filepath) as f: executeInlineOmex(
[docs]def convertCombineArchive(location): """ Read a COMBINE archive and convert its contents to an inline Omex. :param location: Filesystem path to the archive. """ from .teconverters import inlineOmexImporter return inlineOmexImporter.fromFile(location).toInlineOmex()
[docs]def convertAndExecuteCombineArchive(location): """ Read and execute a COMBINE archive. :param location: Filesystem path to the archive. """ from .teconverters import inlineOmexImporter inlineomex = inlineOmexImporter.fromFile(location).toInlineOmex() executeInlineOmex(inlineomex)
[docs]def extractFileFromCombineArchive(archive_path, entry_location): """ Extract a single file from a COMBINE archive and return it as a string. """ warnings.warn('Use libcombine instead.', DeprecationWarning) # TODO: port this function import tecombine archive = tecombine.CombineArchive() if not archive.initializeFromArchive(archive_path): raise RuntimeError('Failed to initialize archive') try: entry = archive.getEntryByLocation(entry_location) except: raise RuntimeError('Could not find entry {}'.format(entry_location)) return archive.extractEntryToString(entry_location)
[docs]def addFileToCombineArchive(archive_path, file_name, entry_location, file_format, master, out_archive_path): """ Add a file to an existing COMBINE archive on disk and save the result as a new archive. :param archive_path: The path to the archive. :param file_name: The name of the file to add. :param entry_location: The location to store the entry in the archive. :param file_format: The format of the file. Can use tecombine.KnownFormats.lookupFormat for common formats. :param master: Whether the file should be marked master. :param out_archive_path: The path to the output archive. """ addFilesToCombineArchive(archive_path, [file_name], [entry_location], [file_format], [master], out_archive_path)
[docs]def addFilesToCombineArchive(archive_path, file_names, entry_locations, file_formats, master_attributes, out_archive_path): """ Add multiple files to an existing COMBINE archive on disk and save the result as a new archive. :param archive_path: The path to the archive. :param file_names: List of extra files to add. :param entry_locations: List of destination locations for the files in the output archive. :param file_format: List of formats for the resp. files. :param master_attributes: List of true/false values for the resp. master attributes of the files. :param out_archive_path: The path to the output archive. """ import tecombine, tempfile input_archive = tecombine.CombineArchive() if not input_archive.initializeFromArchive(archive_path): raise RuntimeError('Failed to initialize archive') tempfiles = [] output_archive = tecombine.CombineArchive() description = input_archive.getMetadataForLocation('.') if description: output_archive.addMetadata('.', description) for entry in (input_archive.getEntry(k) for k in range(input_archive.getNumEntries())): fhandle, fname = tempfile.mkstemp() tempfiles.append(fname) input_archive.extractEntry(entry.getLocation(), fname) if not entry.getLocation() in entry_locations: output_archive.addFile( fname, entry.getLocation(), entry.getFormat(), entry.getMaster()) # add the extra files for file_name, entry_location, file_format, master in zip(file_names, entry_locations, file_formats, master_attributes): output_archive.addFile(file_name, entry_location, file_format, master) # if the archive already exists, clear it if os.path.exists(out_archive_path): if os.path.isfile(out_archive_path): os.remove(out_archive_path) elif os.path.isdir(out_archive_path): raise RuntimeError('Tried to write archive to {}, which is a directory.'.format(out_archive_path)) else: raise RuntimeError('Could not write archive to {}.'.format(out_archive_path)) # write archive output_archive.writeToFile(out_archive_path) # delete temp files for t in tempfiles: os.remove(t)
[docs]def createCombineArchive(archive_path, file_names, entry_locations, file_formats, master_attributes, description=None): """ Create a new COMBINE archive containing the provided entries and locations. :param archive_path: The path to the archive. :param file_names: List of extra files to add. :param entry_locations: List of destination locations for the files in the output archive. :param file_format: List of formats for the resp. files. :param master_attributes: List of true/false values for the resp. master attributes of the files. :param out_archive_path: The path to the output archive. :param description: A libcombine description structure to be assigned to the combine archive, if desired. """ import tecombine output_archive = tecombine.CombineArchive() if description is not None: output_archive.addMetadata('.', description) # add the extra files for file_name, entry_location, file_format, master in zip(file_names, entry_locations, file_formats, master_attributes): output_archive.addFile(file_name, entry_location, file_format, master) # if the archive already exists, clear it if os.path.exists(archive_path): if os.path.isfile(archive_path): os.remove(archive_path) elif os.path.isdir(archive_path): raise RuntimeError('Tried to write archive to {}, which is a directory.'.format(archive_path)) else: raise RuntimeError('Could not write archive to {}.'.format(archive_path)) # write archive output_archive.writeToFile(archive_path)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Math Utilities # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def getEigenvalues(m): """ Eigenvalues of matrix. Convenience method for computing the eigenvalues of a matrix m Uses numpy eig to compute the eigenvalues. :param m: numpy array :returns: numpy array containing eigenvalues """ from numpy import linalg w, v = linalg.eig(m) return w
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Plotting Utilities # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def plotArray(result, loc='upper right', show=True, resetColorCycle=True, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, title=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, xscale='linear', yscale="linear", grid=False, labels=None, **kwargs): """ Plot an array. :param result: Array to plot, first column of the array must be the x-axis and remaining columns the y-axis :param loc: Location of legend box. Valid strings 'best' | upper right' | 'upper left' | 'lower left' | 'lower right' | 'right' | 'center left' | 'center right' | 'lower center' | 'upper center' | 'center' | :type loc: str :param color: 'red', 'blue', etc. to use the same color for every curve :type color: str :param labels: A list of labels for the legend, include as many labels as there are curves to plot :param xlabel: x-axis label :type xlabel: str :param ylabel: y-axis label :type ylabel: str :param title: Add plot title :type title: str :param xlim: Limits on x-axis (tuple [start, end]) :param ylim: Limits on y-axis :param xscale: 'linear' or 'log' scale for x-axis :param yscale: 'linear' or 'log' scale for y-axis :param grid: Show grid :type grid: bool :param show: show=True (default) shows the plot, use show=False to plot multiple simulations in one plot :param resetColorCycle: If true, resets color cycle on given figure (works with show=False to plot multiple simulations on a single plot) :type resetColorCycle: bool :param kwargs: Additional matplotlib keywords like linewidth, linestyle... :: import numpy as np, tellurium as te result = np.array([[1,2,3], [7.2,6.5,8.8], [9.8, 6.5, 4.3]]) te.plotArray(result, title="My graph", xlim=((1, 5)), labels=["Label 1", "Label 2"], yscale='log', linestyle='dashed') """ warnings.warn("plotArray is deprecated, use plot instead", DeprecationWarning) # FIXME: unify r.plot & te.plot (lots of code duplication) # reset color cycle (columns in repeated simulations have same color) if resetColorCycle: plt.gca().set_prop_cycle(None) if 'linewidth' not in kwargs: kwargs['linewidth'] = 2.0 # get the labeles Ncol = result.shape[1] if labels is None: labels = result.dtype.names for k in range(1, Ncol): if loc is None or labels is None: # no legend or labels p = plt.plot(result[:, 0], result[:, k], **kwargs) else: p = plt.plot(result[:, 0], result[:, k], label=labels[k-1], **kwargs) # labels if xlabel is not None: plt.xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel is not None: plt.ylabel(ylabel) if title is not None: plt.title(title) if xlim is not None: plt.xlim(xlim) if ylim is not None: plt.ylim(ylim) # axis and grids plt.xscale(xscale) plt.yscale(yscale) plt.grid(grid) # show legend if loc is not None and labels is not None: plt.legend(loc=loc) # show plot if show: return p
[docs]def plotWithLegend (r, result=None, loc='upper right', show=True): """ Plot an array and include a legend. The first argument must be a roadrunner variable. The second argument must be an array containing data to plot. The first column of the array will be the x-axis and remaining columns the y-axis. Returns a handle to the plotting object. plotWithLegend (r) """ if not isinstance (r, roadrunner.RoadRunner): raise Exception ('First argument must be a roadrunner variable') if result is None: result = r.getSimulationData() if result is None: raise Exception("No simulation result available") if result.dtype.names is None: columns = result.shape[1] legendItems = r.selections[1:] if columns-1 != len (legendItems): raise Exception ('Legend list must match result array') else: # result is structured array if len(result.dtype.names) < 1: raise Exception('No columns available to plot') return plotArray(result, loc=loc, labels=legendItems, show=show)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test Models # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def loadTestModel(string): """Loads particular test model into roadrunner. :: rr = te.loadTestModel('feedback.xml') :returns: RoadRunner instance with test model loaded """ import roadrunner.testing return roadrunner.testing.getRoadRunner(string)
[docs]def getTestModel(string): """SBML of given test model as a string. :: # load test model as SBML sbml = te.getTestModel('feedback.xml') r = te.loadSBMLModel(sbml) # simulate r.simulate(0, 100, 20) :returns: SBML string of test model """ import roadrunner.testing return roadrunner.testing.getData(string)
[docs]def listTestModels(): """ List roadrunner SBML test models. :: print(te.listTestModels()) :returns: list of test model paths """ import roadrunner.testing modelList = [] fileList = roadrunner.testing.dir('*.xml') for pathName in fileList: modelList.append(os.path.basename(pathName)) return modelList
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # Extended roadrunner # --------------------------------------------------------------- from .roadrunner import ExtendedRoadRunner def _model_function_factory(key): """ Dynamic creation of model functions. :param key: function key, i.e. the name of the function :type key: str :return: function object :rtype: function """ def f(self): return getattr(self.model, key).__call__() # set the name f.__name__ = key # copy the docstring f.__doc__ = getattr(roadrunner.ExecutableModel, key).__doc__ return f # Add model functions to ExendedRoadRunner class for key in ExtendedRoadRunner._model_functions: setattr(ExtendedRoadRunner, key, _model_function_factory(key)) # Now we assign the ExtendedRoadRunner to RoadRunner
[docs]def RoadRunner(*args): # return roadrunner.RoadRunner(*args) return ExtendedRoadRunner(*args)
roadrunner.RoadRunner = ExtendedRoadRunner
[docs]def VersionDict(): '''Return dict of version strings.''' import tesbml, tesedml, tecombine return { 'tellurium': getTelluriumVersion(), 'roadrunner': roadrunner.getVersionStr(roadrunner.VERSIONSTR_BASIC), 'antimony': antimony.__version__, 'phrasedml': phrasedml.__version__, 'tesbml': libsbml.getLibSBMLDottedVersion(), 'tesedml': tesedml.__version__, 'tecombine': tecombine.__version__ }
[docs]def DumpJSONInfo(): '''Tellurium dist info. Goes into COMBINE archive.''' return json.dumps({ 'authoring_tool': 'tellurium', 'info': 'Created with Tellurium (', 'version_info': VersionDict()})
[docs]def getAppDir(): import os from sys import platform if platform == "linux" or platform == "linux2": return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.config', 'Tellurium') else: import appdirs return appdirs.user_data_dir('Tellurium', 'Tellurium')
_last_report = None
[docs]def setLastReport(report): '''Used by SED-ML to save the last report created (for validation).''' global _last_report _last_report = report
[docs]def getLastReport(): '''Get the last report generated by SED-ML.''' global _last_report return _last_report
from .testcases import getSupportedTestCases